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  1. UPDATE! the forms were submitted to the TEC but I did follow it up with a copy of DCC parking policy that stated tickets should not be issued when picking up and dropping off of passengers. S37.1 for DCC. Mum didnt recieve any notification of the form being recieved but yesterday we recieved confirmation that despite the councils own parking policy and proof the ticket was issued when picking up of a disabled passenger in an emergency situation they were contesting the right to file the out of time witness statement. luckily the courts deemed it was valid and threw it out. the court letter did however say the matter of the ticket was still outstanding so unsure what this means .. the park smarter people did send us paperwork for another person with mums stuff lol. thank you to all of you that assisted with this issue . mum is now able to sleep but is still very nervous .. just wait to see what happens as DCC objected lol thank you all again x
  2. does anyone know how long it takes the TEC to reply to the out of time witness statement please. i have emailed the form as well as posting the hard copy but mum hasnt heard a thing. the bailiff is reckoning to call for his payment within 24 hours or taking the car one or the other not sure what to do next ??
  3. does anyone know how long it takes the TEC to reply to the out of time witness statement please. i have emailed the form as well as posting the hard copy but mum hasnt heard a thing. the bailiff is reckoning to call for his payment within 24 hours or taking the car one or the other not sure what to do next ??
  4. Would like to say a big thank you to tommytubby for your help with the forms they have been sent off by email and post now so hopefully this will buy mum some time to deal with this. the council parking supervisor is being a muppet and telling me not to waste my time and just pay up as it will all be appealed against. i hope he sleeps well tonight cos mum isnt. A big thank you all of you lovely people that gave me advice on this too .. I hope one day I'll be able to pass on some of my past experiences in a helpful way too when needed. I now await to find out the outcome of this. thanks again !
  5. ok I rang Erewash borough council today and i spoke to the traffic warden supervisor . hes said it is out of his hands and to deal with the bailiff. it is actually on the pc system that mum rang last year to appeal on the phone and that the traffic warden that gave the ticket had stated it was an emergency situation but the ticket was still issued. i rang he TEC and the address is correct but mum maintains she knew nothing about the court papers. State of play now is that the council know these bailiffs are bullying her but are not sympathetic in the least now and i dont know what to do next ..
  6. hi again can you tell me what an out of time application is and how to get one and where from please .. i will ring this place TEC place tomorrow .. mums been in tears tonight bless her its really getting her down. also going to ring th council and hit them with the newspapers if they dont sort it .. its beyond a joke now. thanks again for ur responses this is a great site
  7. Hi thank you all for the responses .. i have today obtained the 3 letters from this bailiff pushed through my mums door .. it states that these bailiffs have the power to sieze good any time day or night (in caps) there is no means to pay (payment slips) and no details of amounts owed or even a name (just signed bailiff manager as a name) or address just a PO Box number. my mum said she had rung many times but this debt was escallated because they kept calling at the house and pushing paper through her door. shes frightened to death now bless her. they also pushed a form 7 through her door at5am the other day a "notice of siezure and inventory of goods" but this was dated 13/4/11 she hasnt signed anything as yet. they are increasing her debt because they arent telling her how much she owes and she has no other paperwork .. i looked through that link seanamarts and it does state in their policy 37.1 that she is allowed to wait anywhere for the picking up or dropping off of passengers for 2 mins but this is extended for elderly or disabled passengers. the ticket shouldnt even have been issued .. i need to make calls tomorrow but im not looking forward to it .. i have bad nerves lol. wish me luck i think we gonna need it
  8. Its Erewash Borough Council but it has been passed to Derbyshire County Council. Mum and the CAB officer rang a man at Equita who point blank refused to move. She is only on pensions credit and hardly has enough to make ends meet as it is. She is vulnerable as she has had 3 strokes in a year. The council know all this but they say its out of their hands and she has to deal with the bailiffs and wont talk to her. I just need to know where to start and sort this mess out before my mum returns to the loan shark to get rid of this vile man. he said she has to pay it in full or hes comming to get her car no compromise no nothing.
  9. Hi there .. sorry I didnt realise I'd posted in the wrong bit lol .. the bailiff apparently works for Equitas? and apparently it was heard in Northampton county court but my mum has no notice of any of this ... the Bailiff is refusing to give my mum and details of any moneys owed, invoices or even provide the court papers. He just keeps demanding the keys.
  10. Hi I really hope someone can help me here. Last year my mum who is a pensioner and a carer too illegally parked her car to come to the aid of a lady that had fallen and was being assisted back to the car. a council traffic warden was lay in wait and ticketed her even though they could see she was assisting this lady. he said he couldnt cancel the ticket himself now so to speak to the council direct. my mum did this and was told not to worry and it would be sorted out .. this was a year ago .. since then my mum heard nothing further until 4 weeks ago when she was woken at 5am by a big burly man who told her he was going to take her car as she spoke to him out her window. he had no paperwork and refused to provide any I.D. or information about the debt except saying it had gone to court and now she owed £300 plus. Since then this bailiff has constantly harrassed and scared my mum threatening to take her car unless she pays in full. shes on pension credit and had had 3 strokes this last year. she needs her car as she also cares for my gran who is 87. she told the bailiffs she could pay £10 a month but this has been refused. she went to CAB who rang the bailiff but the bailiff wouldnt budge. she was advised to get a loan now to pay it off . she has now gone to a loan shark but i managed to stop her before she took the money to pay it off. my mum has rung the council who say its out of their hands . i have only just found out about this . I have made her sell me her car for £5 and i will let her buy it back after this is sorted. i originally bought the car for her anyway and she didnt pay me back cos i let it go . it was only a £500 car and is only worth scrap value. This bailiff has refused to give mum any paperwork show any court papers ect just threatening her to sort it out or they will do her house as well. it was a £40 parking ticket and now shes afraid to leave her house .. please help the council wont help .. she has 5 days to give them £350 now.
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