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Everything posted by lyakali

  1. That is perfect - thank you very much! Yes the deposit was protected with a deposit scheme, I've been trying to find the details of this but I shall mention it also. Thanks very much for your help
  2. It was a joint tennancy. We just split the overall cost of rent/deposit between the three of us. That said, our contract ended at the end of May. The housemates have since renewed this with my replacement.
  3. Hi all! I'm stuck in a frustrating little battle between my ex-letting agency, and my ex-flatmates. I moved into to a flat with two friends in 2009 and we all paid out equal amounts towards the deposit. In April this year, I moved out and was replaced by another tennent. I have STILL, 3 months on, not got my deposit back. The agency are being very flakey, saying they have heard no word from my ex-housemates as to how much they want taken out my deposit, and have said numerous times they will contact them to find this out for me. My ex-housemates have not once been contacted by the agency, they sent two emails back in May (which have been replied to by the agency!) with a few things they think they may get charged for, and therefore to deduct from my deposit. After confronting the agency about these emails, they are now saying that the current tennents have to come up with the amount to take out my deposit. But the tennets are saying they have no idea how much these items will cost - or even if they'll be charged for them, so are refusing to do it. I just want my deposit back - but I don't know who I should be getting angry at here? When a previous housemate moved out last year, I told the agency his carpet needed cleaning and so to deduct that from his deposit. They even sent round a cleaner to get a quote and he had his money back within a month! So we're confused as to why the current tennents have to pluck a number out of thin air? Thanks for any response
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