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  1. Ok - got two replies back today: - CallCredit will not give me the credit report unless I send them two form of ID originals i.e. council tax demand, bank statement, etc. Is this right? - Experian credit report is back. What do I look for? What next?
  2. Oh I am now very worried as they have my signature in the request form I sent to them. If they sell on details they are capable of any tacts in order to intimidate people, one thinks.
  3. Just want to share this with you all. I am still waiting for the credit reports to come back to me, they should be here next week. However before I decided to request the reports via post I tried to get them online from Experian, Callcredit and Equifax. Experian asked for a monthly fee (I was already registered), Equifax didnt find me online and CallCRedit just one more to check against. Meanwhile I received today an e-mail from Lowell Group demanding payment £589,78. I have not received any e-mails from them nor from any other debt collection agencies in the past. Does that mean they are passing people's details onwards? Is that legal? How do you guys fell about that?
  4. Ok - Ive filled in the forms (downloaded from their website) all ready to post tomorrow. Will let know when I get the stat report back (about 7 days). It should be safe to sign and send them right? I am sending to three agencies: Equifax, Callcredit and Experian. Brigadier What are your thoughts about cashflow mentioned here?
  5. Thank you for replying. Do you recommend any agency in particular? Or any experian/credit expert will do?
  6. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME I have a large amount of debt wich I have not paid since 2008. These include utilities bills, council tax, credit cards, bank loan and bank overdraft. Before you ask why it took so long for me to tackle these I've had a real bad time - no excuses! but I want to sort it all out and have my life back again, so please please someone please help me as I dont even know how to start.
  7. Thank You for the replies. Theres quite a bit of info here to digest, I'll look into everything and post a reply. Cheers
  8. Thank you everybody for answering. I still look for more answers as I have the feeling this is not right. Starting with the fact I wasnt given notice for this work, then I wasnt told about what it actually involves and how serious this is! 45002 - yes this is inside my flat! This is my entrance hall. There are 12 flats in total and I am in the basement flat. The flat has its own independent entrance. We all have individual meters (measuring units only) as the electric company send one bill to the LL and he works out by units used. There is space upstairs at the main building entrance for this and I think it should not be inside my flat. :nono::nono:
  9. Dear all, I really hope to find help here as my situation is depressing. My landlord's employee turned up at my doorstep on 27th June accompanied by an electrician. He told me that the electrician had to start work immediately, it was a very important job and it had already been booked and they forgotten to let me know. He also said that the work would take 1-2 weeks to complete and during this period the electrician would need access to the flat several times. I was also told on the day that not much disruption would cause, only a hole on the ceiling and a few wires would hang down for a little while. The electrician started coming in and out of the flat several times per day many days a week with a key (presume the landlord given him a key) It was to my complete horror that as the work developed they put 12 big thick black high voltage wires hanging out of the ceiling and resting on the middle of the main corridor - entrance hall. Next the electrician stalled big box for electrics, isolators for each of the flats upstairs (i'm in the basement), fuses ... I don't know the names of all those things .... the works! (Is there a way to place a picture here?) Whilst the other flats only require one hour to have the work done and some switches changed I am left in a horrendous situation. They have been working on the electrics for three weeks now and still are unable to tell me how long until the end. This is causing a great amount of stress, disruption, I am unable to carry on my daily tasks, etc and it looks dangerous! I spoke to a landlord's employee and proposed that I pay half of the rent during the time they are still doing the work as this is close to not liveable conditions. He refuses. Please help :help::help:
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