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Everything posted by RHep

  1. Thanks HB, unfortunately I have only been with the company 6 months so am unable to take it to an ET. The whole process has been a farce! There was no previous formal verbal or written warning and I was given no support or training in my role. At my disciplinary I was interrupted constantly, as was my rep, and we were unable to put our case across. When I received the minutes of the meeting there are large gaps where they have failed to record points made me and my rep. The statements they have included from colleagues have no relevance to the issue they are disciplining me for and, if anything, they back up my case! i feel it's all a cover up just to get rid of me!
  2. Can someone please advise me? I am appealing against a disciplinary which resulted in my dismissal. The Manager who chaired my disciplinary meeting is in a relationship with her line manager and I have asked that her line manager not chair my appeal as I don not believe they will be impartial. They have replied that as her senior manager they will chair the appeal but they will allow another manager to be present. Can they do this?
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