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Everything posted by JustinWales

  1. Can i upload photos to the website? as i am quite willing to show you my injury caused by this animal.
  2. i dont know who the firm acting on behalf of logbook loans was. its on the receipt i got but cant work it out it looks like DGCS Ltd does this ring any bells? the only way i can find out is to ring logbook loans. yes i have all the emails that have been sent and received.
  3. Hi thanks for you info i have taken photos of my injuries and ive also sent them to logbookloans to show them the tactics their bailliffs are using to recover their debts. regarding the car, its mine no hp, but the £500 loan i had off the company was secured on the car, didnt really understand it at the time as i was desperate for money.(lesson learnt there). the total is now £2000+ and i have to pay £1000 plus £12 per day storage to get the car back within 14 days or it goes to auction. I Will identify the Baiiliffs as soon as i find out who they are.
  4. Hi Surfboy, No i have had no court order or anything, the only paperwork he had was a total of the monies owed by me to logbook loans. on headed paper I spoke to someone via email at logbook loans last week and came to an arrangement to pay £300 but i email him back to see how i can pay it as i have no credit card and didnt have a reply. then this happened, i dont know the company they to recover vehicles as he was from a private firm. though i will be ringing them to find out, im now nervously off down the police station to file a complaint.will keep you all informed. Thanks Guys
  5. Hi all, I had a loan secured on my car going back last year, after losing my job i was unable to keep up with payments. Yesterday i had a bailliff turn up at my door requiring possesion of my vehicle. when i tried to get in to my car to retrive sum items he grabbed me by my neck and put me in a head lock trying to force me to the ground. at this time my partner who was watching from the front door came running out screaming for him to stop, and he even went for her. my 8 year old daughter was histerical and my dad had to come and take her away from the scene. the bailliffs face was screwed up and he was like a possesed demon. i am a 36 year olds and i am a very slim build. this guy was three times the size of me, and his excuse was he was resisting???? i have marks and cuts on my shoulder which have bruised up quite badly this morning and i had to take pain killers last night for the pain. i did managed to get 2 hours sleep. what i dont understand is the police seemed to side with him saying the mark on my back does not justify an arrest. (i think they would say different if they saw my back today). and he was doing his job resisting me?? i have taken photos of my injury and sent them with my complaint to the loan company. i just dont know what to do next as i just cant get it in to my head that he was allowed to get away with this? can i re approach the police for a second opinion? and to press charges? the police basiclly said it was a civil matter and not criminal, but he assaulted me so whats civil about that.. Thanks for taking time to read my post and any help or advice would be greatly appreciated
  6. That is what i done yesterday, i rang the court and was told what i said in my earlier post. If they are wrong then its not my fault they are giving out false information, Ive done my best to try and resolve this as i have not done anything wrong. The whole thing itself is Wrong. Can i ask what it is you do Raykay? Do you work for the courts?
  7. Right i rang the court this morning and the lady i spoke to was very helpful. She told me i had to send a letter to the court saying that i was disputing the DVLA's claim. And also to contact the baillifs to tell them i had rang the court, and hopefully they would not commence with any further action. Is there a template letter to send to the court or am i better off wording it myself. Thanx...
  8. Thanks Padja, That is a valuable point, and thanks to everyone else for the heads up. Il get in contact with the court and see what they say. It makes me really angry that these people can get away with this sort of thing:-x No wonder the countrys in the state its in.
  9. Hi RayKay it says on the Notice, Outstanding Magistrates fine & costs Adjudged. If that makes any sense.
  10. I did have one from swift last month for £335 to be paid within 7 days, i obviously did not pay it and now it £530. Im not going to pay it as i sent off the documents and i believe that is that. is there any other case where someone has been sent to prison for this?
  11. yes im assuming it did. the letters have been going to my mums house which i have not lived at for 10 years or so now.
  12. Hi Mark&Janice, No i did not send it by recorded delivery, Just a first class stamp, im not sure how much the fine was originally but they now want £530.
  13. Hi all, I sold my car a year or so ago, and im being hassled by the DVLA for payment of a fine for not sending off the logbook, Although i did send it off, i also rang the Dvla and told them id sent it, They told me to ring the court, Which i did, and was told i had to send a letter off to them, as i lost my job and am now living between family and freinds, i forgot all about it and did not send the letter. This morning i had a Notice to execute distress warrant delivered to my mums house unless i paid £530. So i called the bailiffs (Swift) and told him i had no income, im not getting no benefits, i have no home and no assets as we have had to sell them all to get by. and he told me if i did not pay it within 24hours i would then have to wait for an arrest warrant to be issued. As you can imagine this is now causing real stress on myself and i dont know what to do... as i have a 7 year old daughter to look after can they really arrest me for something which i find is an absolute joke. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated Thanks all
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