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Eni Eva

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  1. Thanks. The one thing that made me listen was that I did enter a competition not long before. Am turnnig 51 this year and last year on my 50th was not well so didnt get to make a photo record. But things started to be to good to be true and when they asked for the deposit I knew I had just waisted a few minutes of my life. Never mind, live and learn, just hope someone else out there doesn't fall for it.
  2. Thanks. The one thing that made me listen was that I did enter a competition not long before. Am turnnig 51 this year and last year on my 50th was not well so didnt get to make a photo record. But things started to be to good to be true and when they asked for the deposit I knew I had just waisted a few minutes of my life. Never mind, live and learn, just hope someone else out there doesn't fall for it.
  3. hi there, yesterday i was contacted by saphire studios telling me about the wonderful offer i had won. They seem to have had all my details, date of birth and so on. They wanted me to put a refundable deposit of £49.99 and booked me in for a vip day . But they called my mobile, there for i was able o check where the phone call was coming from, "not the uk" so that was enough for me to buy myself some time to search. It was from the philipines and when i tried to call the studio directly i was never able to through to them. So further investigation took me to you here. They are suppoused to call me back today to get my card details, but they will not have it. As from previous experience when you do "win" something you are sent a voucher and never have to pay. Wonder how we can stop this [problem]. As i know there are a lot of more people ou there that are caught off guard and lose. Please if anyone else knows about it, then... Let together do something to stop it.
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