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Posts posted by Mark&Janice

  1. Hi All


    I hope someone can help. I am at present an Australian perm resident moving back to the UK on the 25th August this year. I am stopping over in Dubai for 4 days before travelling on to the UK.


    I am having great difficulty in finding insurance for one way travel, ie not returning to the country that it was purchased in.


    Has anyone encountered this and if so did they find an insurance company that they could get cover with


    Thanks in advance

  2. I feel for you greatly. I was bullied in the workplace for a period of a year here in Australia. This resulted in making me very i'll. Its one of those ever increasing issues in the workplace that has taboo attached to it. I felt weak and ashamed that it was happening to me but i finally got the strength to confront the 2 managers concerned. I left there in April and found a great new job and its nearly behind me now. I still have a few mental scars though I am in the process of legal action against my former employer and the 3 day court hearing is next month where i am seeking substantial damages, damages that we will move back to the UK with next year. I will post the outcome and more detail once the litigation is finalised next month. All i can say is to keep strong and always think that something else is always around the corner

  3. As we explained in our last post it's not possible to explain our stance on a claim without going into specifics. Every claim is different, with its own unique set of circumstances.

    As to why we posted on the forum, we regularly engage with the key blogs and are often able to help customers with their problems. While we couldn't talk about a specific claim publicly, we suggested a possible next course of action with the limited information that was available. Again, if any policyholder wants to discuss details of a claim with us then they contact us directly. Thank you.


    LVCares? too funny, what is your purpose of being here? just to snoop?

  4. They are extremely helpful, and important for child's safety. What is "moronic" is putting kids in situations where they risk being hit by passing cars because the vehicle next to them doesn't allow sufficient space.


    Maybe if families didn't have people carriers and 4*4's the normal width of a parking space for most people would be enough. Increased width = reduced number of spaces = driving around and around aimlessly causing pottential danger to other shoppers

  5. P&C places have even less credibility than disabled spaces. What are they going to do next? have spaces just for red cars or for just for drivers called Kevin? The stupidest P&C sign I have seen is in our local Waitrose. It says "reserved for customers with children". Does that mean that as long as you have had a child sometime in your life you can park there, because it doesn't' say you have to have the child with you.


    Indeed, P&C spaces are moronic, nearly as much as "baby on board" signs in the back windows of cars

  6. Firstly did she report the accident and make sure the incident was recorded in the companies accident book. What does her contract say about sick pay. All employees taken on for one month or more are entitled by law to be given, within two months of the date the employment starts, a written statement setting out the main particulars. This statement will not necessarily cover every aspect of the contract, but will constitute important evidence of the principal terms and conditions

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