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Everything posted by susan.wilkinson

  1. Hi , Well my appeal was today and won without having had to attend. I got a call at 10 o clock saying the judge supported my appeal from my paperwork alone. Miracles do happen. Thanks to everyone one for their advice and support sue
  2. Hi HB, Thank you so much for your reply. I have checked but cannot find stickies. kind regards sue
  3. Hello, Im new to this site. I have my esa tribunral next week and am really nervous. I scored 0 points at my medical. I have a rare life threatening disease called Fabrys , this disease causes me array of complications such as chronic neuropathic pain, IBS, CFS, Dizzyness, breathlessness,depression, high blood pressure, kidney problems and many more. I am on alot of medication the most important one being a repregal infusion which i have every 14 days and is done by a homecare nurse. My disease is progressive and not controlled or curable, only slowdown by medication. I have yearly tests such as MRI, heart scan, heart trace, kidney scan, blood preeure, hearing tests. I would be very grateful for any advice. I have wrote to the asking them to consider regulation 25 but have not heard back Kind regards sue:sad:
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