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Everything posted by davedavebodywave

  1. Hello and Thankyou i can understand to a point they want the money but its the lack of any compassion or need to even try and listen or help.. The girls attitude and whole manner was horrid, She even accused me of fraud to a point.. I have never been spoken to like that on the phone before in my life ever.. Can i use harrassment if i visit my solicitor?
  2. I will email the letter tomorrow thank you for your help, Also i have no issues paying when i am back in work but untill i find a new job i am stuck in limbo.. Thanks:)
  3. Hey, I have cancelled the card i supplied on the initial application and the bank is going to send me a new one.. Its more the stress and no knowing what they can or cannot do.. or more importantly what i should do for the best. All feedback is welcome
  4. Hi, Just to add I have had about 14 calls to my mobile since Thursday afternoon, The lady i spoke to this evening also added she wanted prove of my work starting and end dates and if the dates showed any wrong info they would take me to court for fraud! This is accusing me of being a criminal?? I was dealing with ndr recovery at first and i had no idea it was passed to another company called marshall hoares So i ignored the 14 calls, She also added at the end because i was arguing with her that she was starting court action tomorrow as she was sick of talking to me... Grr.. wtf? I have read all the posts on here and i feel lost as to what i can do.. should i let it go to court or send money on a monthly basis even thou they refuse to accept what i think i can pay.. Thanks..
  5. Hello I need some advice urgently, I took out a small pay day loan of £400 iin November with this company, To cut a long story short i now owe 1212 pound, I have spoken to them tonight and i feel like ripping my hair out, They are rude, abusive and seem to have no laws at all.. basically Ii am not working since last week and they are asking for my p45 and my proof of jsa. They then said they will take a percentage and would not say how much, I literally have no money coming in so you can guess i am worried.. I am normally pretty good with debt and phone calls to companies but these guys are on another planet Please help Has anyone dealt with these guys before ??? Thanks David
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