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adam needs help

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  1. Sorry forgot to add, I don't have a CCJ with this Capital One account, if that helps? It has never been threatened to me? Hope you can help, Adam
  2. Hi all, I need help with my Sainsburys Bank loan, which is now being chased by Scotcall. I have had the account since Jan 2004. I haven't made a payment for many years now, probably since 2007. The original credit agreement is below, anything wrong with this, i.e. is it enforceable etc. I don't have a CCJ with them either which I find odd when I read others have been given these? Can anybody comment on what you think is my best way forward? If you need any info just shout. Thanks, Adam SAINSBURYS-SCOTCAL.pdf
  3. Hi all, please see my post from last year. I have finally got the correct size PDF's for you all to see. Please click on the following links to see the credit agreement from Capital One. Is it enforceable or does it tally up with current legislation so can be enforced aginst me. Any comments? Further info, I last made a payment in 2007 but have had many letter between us both over the years. Thanks for all your help. CAPITAL ONE-LOWELL2.pdf CAPITAL ONE-LOWELL1.pdf
  4. Hi all and please excuse me if I miss things out as this is my first post, but basically I have a Captial One account from 2003. It has now been passed to Lowell. It took me nearly 6/7 months to get hold of my original credit agreement. After looking over it and speaking to somebody else, they think this agreement is unenforceable due to lack of certain information. So can you experts please tell me your thoughts of this agreement and where do I stand. Please see below the agreement. Thank you all, Adam
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