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Everything posted by libather

  1. now i'm on the verge of a complete mental breakdown and it's causing my son great distress and my daughter who's only 7 says she feels worried about mummy and who will look after her if i become to sick!!
  2. well, i asked the tax credit compliancey officer and they said that they don't work like the council and it would make no difference what the council think! My benefits were arranged and applied for by a benefits compliancy officer from the council!! They don't even want to hear from anyone who is formally involved with our family!! CAB have told me to go back to appeal. I can't force the joint tenant to move out and he can't financially support me!!
  3. Hi, I've had problems with the tax credits. I suffer from severe depression and my 8 yr old son is autistic. His autism is so complex he has to travel 72 miles round trip to school each day. I live in a joint tenancy with my ex but seperated. I recieve no help and support from social services or family. The council know there father lives in the same flat and have been through my bank statements every year but are happy with the situation as we don't socialise, eat or do laundary for each other. We live in seperate rooms. I got a letter from the tax credits to say i have to make a joint claim but my ex refuses to financially support me. I have had the benefits compliancy officers from the council supporting me but tax credits say they don't care. We do have a joint bank account but i can't take his name off of it otherwise i have to pay off the overdraft myself which is not my debt. House bills come out of the account and they are saying that it means that we live as a couple and that he either moves out or we must make a joint claim. Community mental health workers who visit fortnightly to visit me and have done so for 7 years feel they are not listening. CAB have advised me to see them to go through our situation. My ex cannot afford to financially support me and feels that it is wrong to force him to move out. I was 100% honest with the woman at HMRC and she was very kind and understanding but she says he can't live here but the council disagrees!!!
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