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Everything posted by featsirswish

  1. I have a similar question that i hope someone might be able to answer. I signed up to the free Usenext trial a long time ago and was unaware that they automatically renewed the account after it had expired. Sadly, perhaps to my cost, i had forgotten about the Usenext service and as such i believe some payments may have been withdrawn from my account. My question is whether i can be charged for a service that i have neither used nor had knowledge of being a part of? I fear that the answer i might receive is simply that it was my own fault for not properly reading the terms and conditions and that, regardless of my lack of use for this service, i am still legally bound to pay. Any light that could be shed on this matter would be greatly appreciated.. Also, i apologise if this has been posted in the wrong area and if my question proves to be a stupid one.
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