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Everything posted by YASSARKHAL

  1. Hi just a quick reply to say the same happened to me it's quite simple to get it turned around contact your insurance and tell them you ain't recieved any letters or any form of communication from them before settling any claim and that you will be taking this matter to court then they will be sending a investigator to your home to discuss this did your gf take any photos these days this will write of a car due to the age of the car not damage lawfully if she hit you direct rear of car then fault always Goes to the rear car mention the speeding and lack of road awareness due to child in her car and find out if child was mentioned in the accident any help let me know will send you me number will get sorted my end result was did took the cash back from the other driver and I was paid out sorry about my writing using my iPhone good luck mate
  2. Hi everyone am a newbie hope you lot can help that would be great sorry about my grammar not that good here we go. I bought an vauxhall vectra 2005 reg for my gf on her birthday from a local garage I spend my break times at as they do sport car and we have good petrolhead chat anyway I sew this car there and arranged a finance deal with them they said they can put it in my gf address but my name as I taking the finance so I agreed after keeping up with payment all was going fine till someone from the local church on a Sunday hit and ran away the church is right across my gf flat and she parks her car in the private car park so as the car was.damaged and she never wanted to claim as her insurance premium would go up I spoke to few garages about repairing it and took it for estimates and a service then 1 day I got a call from her mom who lives across the road saying some recovery truck pulled up and broke the window and took it I raced back reported it tonthe police and went to tons of garages to try to find it then I called the housing company who's housing they are and was told they got it removed and sent me to a company to collect and pay storage I Argued with them but at the time was happy I know where my car is went to the garage an was told they scrapped it the same day this garage was an crappy corner garage with no license or anything and he said the housing told he to scrap it and called the housing an the guy who had it picked up said write a letter to the housing commity and they would pay out I got busy as work but met the commity chairman often who said he will sort it out then I got a call from the housing company who said pop in the office with all the paper work and we sort it out I took everything after they seen that I paid o the finance they changed saying they won't pay anything as the car was not in my gf name and that they thought the car was dumped there and also admitted that the police said car was fine but it was parked there for a few months and the guy I spoke to over the phone first denied saying they will pay me that when I lost it and called them liers and demanded to speak to a senior they said no when I asked for doc like recipt for car when scrapped they said they had it but lost it and carried on saying just take it as a bad lesson leant the commity chairman is still saying leave it to him and he will sort it but it's already been 5months and and In 5k out of pocket I went to the police remove the stolen Marker so I can apply for a new logbook as the old one with my gf's personnal stuff went in the car the police said we need to see the car or have a scrapped recipt also day before my meeting was due the housing rushed and put up signs in the car park but I got pic with dates when then signs was there but car was allowed to be there as my gf lived there so any advice would be great I'm sorry bout the grammer thanks
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