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  1. can anyone direct me to a letter template which would request the original information etc... or other standard sort of letter that shows I am not willing to pay and telling them that I do not wish to hear from them again... not quite sure exactly what I am asking for sorry (bearing in mind that I am in Scotland and I understand we have to handle things slightly differently)
  2. I have most certainly not made any payment, neither have I yet admitted that I am the person they are looking for. Only time anyone has spoken to them on the phone is to tell them, that there is no-one here by the name they are giving. I haven't yet requested any further information from them regarding the amount allegedly owed.
  3. I have a question re Robinson Way. I have been chased for a debt for some time now which is now well over 8 years old. I have changed my name since the debt was incurred and they are calling and writing to me under my old name. Would I be admitting the debt if I answered their letters even with the standard letter simply because I would be admitting that I am the person they are looking for because I have opened the letters? Complicated maybe, but I hope you guys understand
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