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Everything posted by Myhop

  1. Right. Thanks for the experience. Some of this has been helpful - Bigredbus, Teaboy2 - some less so. Yes, I have been involved in the incidents, but it has been the way that the events have been presented that paints a totally negative picture. The getting on for 8 months with one investigation meeting and nothing else is causing me to look at forums like this to try and build some hope for the future. As for things that have been written and the interpretations, I don't text when something important has to be said because the written word is open to different interpretations. It is - or at least I occasionally find it - difficult to sometimes pick out tone, nuance, meaning to what has been written down. Yes, I could be mistaken as to the way RachelMD responded. All I can say is that I am entitled to my opinion. I am disappointed at her reaction but I dare say she will return to her flock soon. Thanks again as I have has some help.
  2. Thanks for the replyy. I was given two reasons for my suspension relating to one incident that happened that day. Prior to later meeting concerned with this incident, one reason had been dropped and two more from other different incidents had been added. With your other comments, as I have said I simply wanted to know if the employer could freely alter the official reasons for suspension without explanation. What I got from RachelMD was serious attitude which I felt was unwarrented and responded to as such. I was asking a valid question if they could or could not do that. She also questioned another part of my statement and she was plain, flat out wrong. Re-read her original response and see if you can't understand where I am coming from. Bigredbus explained how my understanding was in error on one aspect, but it was worded in a constructive way and I have no problem with that, and is an example on how to answer a question. My first post was very 'basic' as my main query was, again, simply to ask if the specific reasons, delivered to my door, for a suspension can be dropped and others added as a case progresses. What you mistake as criticism is a refusal to be spoken to in an inappropriate manner, more so if she actually is in the profession.
  3. Yeah, HB, it is. It has gone on for some time and everything I read gives me the impression that the Boss is stomping all over procedures, with my representation not too bothered what he does or about the time taken over this. I know it sounds soft and totally conspiracy theory-ish, but my life is on hold, my career has stagnated, I can't even volunteer to help local organisations to try and be a bit of use, so am trying to get some concrete facts to get them both with.
  4. Thanks for that Bigredbus Do you happen to know if you can be suspended, notified officially as to the reasons for that suspension, then those reasons be changed prior to a later investigation meeting?
  5. Right, well that was not what I expected or wanted and surely it is not just me who thought the RachelMD was being offhand at best. It was doubted that there was 'contractural provision for such measures to be followed' and there actually is. From what I have found out I am of the mind that if it was an investigatory meeting it would not have ended in an immediate suspension. If the meeting might have ended in a suspension, I should have been told at the start. Have checked ACAS and from their handbook I seem to think they say that investigations have to carried out, employees informed of the problems and employers should allow employees to be accompanied. My workplace Discipline and Dismissal procedure mirrors this. I am pretty sure that I was simply asking a question and not assuming anything underhand. It was the tone of the response that caught me off guard. All I wanted was either a 'Yes, they can do that' or 'No, they can't do that'
  6. Thank you for your reponse. However, you have demonstrated little understanding or knowledge in such matters. From the workplace Discipline and Dismissal Procedures; "In all cases where suspension is being considered, the member of staff should be advised to seek assistance from their Trade Union or Association." "At the outset of the meeting the staff member should be informed that a serious complaint or allegation has been made and that, at the conclusion of the meeting, suspension might occur." "The staff member should be given as much information, including reasons for any proposed suspension, that is deemed appropriate to the matter under discussion.." ...and it goes on. So please if you have little expertise in the area, as you have shown, kindly do not comment .
  7. Following a brief discussion with the Boss where I was not informed prior what the meeting was about, no minutes were taken, I was not informed of the need to have a union representative or a colleague present, or of the potential outcome of the meeting, I was informed that I was suspended effective immediately and escorted off the premises. I received official notification the following day of 2 issues that had caused this action. Prior to an investigation meeting a month later, one of the issues had been dropped and 2 others added. I questioned this with my union representative and he said that this is permitted. Is this not moving the goal posts to ensure that the outcome will be in the workplace's favour?
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