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Everything posted by swwchris

  1. I first started to realise there may be a problem with cancelling my membership two months ago, after chatting with a friend. I received my renewal notice including membership card etc on the 7th May. I straight away phoned the AA on 8th May 2011 and after a protracted call, they agreed to cancel the membership. I then followed this up with an emailed confirmation of the cancellation. On the 11th May I called them again to check that the cancellation is in their system, and was assured it is. Now yesterday I received a SECOND membership card, again welcoming for another year. Why is this well documented problem not being dealt with by the finanical ombudsman? It was featured on the BBC Money Box programme earlier in 2011, yet it still seems that they are either not capable of dsealing with these requests, or there is a deliberate policy of ignoring cancellations (not sure which I think, HA!). Now I have to start phoning them for a third time this morning, my one saving grace is that payment was due to be taken by direct debit and not recurring credit card, I have of course cancelled the direct debit. Chris
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