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Everything posted by lizemms

  1. Oh, I know I searched and searched, but found nothing particularly bad about then, I didn't find any good reports either though, I searched thay they were a registered company etc etc and they were, I just don't know where to go from here to try and recover the money I spent. Thanks for your reply, however I do think you should consider changing your screen name, as its not really very suitable. Regards, Liz
  2. Before Christmas last year, having participated in modelling and adverts when I was a child I decided to sign my 3yr old daughter up with an agency. She is tanned with the most beautiful hair, she is a very stunning child and many of my friends and family and myself believed she could not fail to get noticed. I searched the internet for agencies and searched for bad reports on them. I found Talent management.com. I filled out a form online and they were quick to call me back. The lady "Jane" was all very nice and asked that I email photos of my daughter and some details to her, so I did. About a week or so later I got an email saying that I had a preliminary offer of representation, this sounded important and I felt proud that they had confidence in my little girl. They emailed me and posted me a contract type thing giving details of how I could pay for the representation and a special deal that they could do for me.........3yrs representation for just £128 plus £30 to be of "superstar" status on the website appearing first in search results for clients looking for talent. I am a single mother and although this was a real lot of money to me, I though my daughter was sure to get a couple of jobs and that it would pay it back over the 3 yrs. It is now May 2011, now that they have my money, they never call or email, and they never reply to my questions sent through their website. My daughters profile, they say is live, but we will never really know as you can only view talent on their books if you are registered as a client. So everyone who is registerd as a talent on the site only really have talentmanagments word for it that it even exists, it may just be a very nice website, where we log in and see non-existing jobs on the job board most of which are for cruise ship entertainers and holiday park red coats, hardly the lime light. Her "profile" has had 7 views in the last 6 months, "oh, so it is live" I hear you say....nope......those 7 views were mine, ggrgrgrgrgrrrrrr. I have contacted Natwest Mastercard to see if they can recover the money and they said they can only help if I can prove that talentmanagement have not provided the service they said they would. I could only do that if I could prove that the site is a fraud and that it isn't live, which I can't and natwest haven't sent my documents back. I feel so stupid that I could have been ripped off in this way. I always thought I was so streetwise. The lady who I spoke to on the phone sounded so nice and genuine. I just feel that I have wasted over £150 that could have been spent on better things. Oh, I just really hope someone out there can help me.
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