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  1. Hi, I too have had trouble with Topps Tiles. They supplied tiles with a defective surface finish and flatly refused to accept responsibility. after long drawn out correspondance with Topps Tiles, and since the tiles were part of an insurance claim, I contacted the insurance company (AVIVA) and argued that since I had paid them and not Topps Tiles, they were liable to put it right. They inspected the tiles and agrred - Full marks to AVIVA. I believe that as the law stands, your complaint is with Topps Tiles because you paid them to do the job and Topps should pass this onto the contractor who was paid by them. If my experience is typical of Topps, they will refuse to accept it is their fault. If so, my advice would be to go to Trading Standards or Citizen's Advice. Hope this helps Regards Mickjw
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