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Everything posted by Robotix

  1. Many thanks for all the help, I have some good news BG have asked me for a list of expenses so I guess at least they are going to do the right thing. BG are going to call Robbers Way again and tell them to back off or they will act as a witness to Robbers Way trying to defraud me.
  2. Hi All, So here we go again. Even though I have received an email from BG stating the file is closed and therefore I owe nothing as it was all a mistake as I stated in the first place, guess what :- ? ! ? Yes you got it Robbers Way letter received :- So ok, I had sent a letter stating what BG had said that I wanted them to close the file and appologise for chasing me for a debt BG confirm I do not owe. Now onto this reply I received did you notice the error ? No I did not make a typo. What is my right to cont ? So what I want is suggestions on a reply that sounds legal enough to put the wind up them. Do I just hand over a copy of all correspondence to the FOS and let them deal with it or do I just keep going as I am and wait to see if Robbers Way try the legal threats and then sue them. And yes I am up for a fight even if I do have to take them to court.
  3. OK Bazooka Boo I will try and get the appologies and then concider the rest.
  4. Do I keep chasing BG / Robbers Way or Both, can I relistically expect to get some form of compo for the mistake made ?.
  5. Hi All, I received the following email :- So now I want to have a go at Robbers Way for all the stress they have caused. I am tempted to ask them to refund all the costs I have incured. Anyone have any suggestions ?.
  6. As ayPal have blocked all account at this address we can only hold an acount for a few hours at a time before they stop the new account. We have tried all the usual new email address's ect..... but with the same result. What I really want to do is beat them. I want to beat PayPal and get an active account. I want to make iQor back off and if possible appologise for the hassle they have caused. I want to get GPB to appologise for the hassle they have caused. I know I am after a lot here but why should they not put right whatthey have done.
  7. This is still an ongoing saga, I have received the following response from GPB relating to my request for a copy of their complaints procedure :- Make of it what you will but this letter screams to me to be answered and that is why I am opening it up to you all to help me draft a suitable response to this firm. It is good to see that they have ignored the letter of complaint and said that they will investigate new complaints, what about the last one I made ?. Suppose that can be attached to the new one when I get enough tips to write it. To me it seems like they are passing the buck back to iQor.
  8. Sweet if only I had the nerve to send that.
  9. Yep I have drafted a perfectly clear letter to them stating I owe nothing and will file all further letters un-answered unless proof provided within 7 days. I must be honest I am enjoying getting my own back on this Rebecca Stott, she will have nightmares about more letters by the time I have finished with her. I am toying with the idea of charging administration fees to her and sending invoices and when unpaid set a rival DCA on her.
  10. Hi All Well as expected Robbers Way are barking and all I can do is laugh at them. The sad thing is thay are so deluded to think that I will pay for an alleged debt that I honestly do not know anything about and cannot be real as I have never had British Gas at this address. Robbers Ways latest letter :- Does this mean I have got on her nerves and she wont come out to play anymore ?. As you can see they totally ignored my onus of proof and state it is mine, oh well delude fool. I am drafting a responce giving them 7 days to respond. I have a feling I ill get no responce but will receive the odd "oy pay up" letter.
  11. Bazooka Boo you make me laugh so much it hurts. I have drafted a letter that says the onus of proof is yours and why would I have documentated evidence for a debt I do not acknowledge or accept. I also said I do not live at the address stated and cannot find it on any street maps are you sure it exists. I am going for the last word with them just because I disagree with the way they are treating me saying I owe money just on there say so. As I honestly can state I have never has BG here the debt must not be mine and probably does not exist anywhere anyway. Thanks again for all your help. I'll keep this thread updated with any further updates.
  12. Hi All I received another letter from Robbers Way on the 28th May 2011 Well they seem to be ignoring everything I send them. I want to reply with some legal sounding responce. I also want to point out to them that they got the road name wrong.
  13. Yes the physical address. We tried to setup a new account with a brand new email address and even changed bank and card details to one that has never been used on PayPal and within an hour it has been blocked and we get an email saying all accounts at that address have been blocked due to account at that address owing money.
  14. Hi Bazooka Boo Nice idea but they are blocking via the address not the individual account details. I know this as firstly they stated it and secondly they have blocked accounts we set up years ago and never closed but stopped using.
  15. Today 26th May 2011 I received an email from PayPal They will be lucky doing anything on the account as it is the one that I managed to get closed with the help from this great forum. They have also limited the rest of the account held by my wife and eldest son even though neither of them owe any money. I just wish they would play fair and stop being so vindictive and childish. When I get the money back from the supplier I will close my eBay and PayPal accounts and use ebid or amazon instead. my wife would love to still use eBay and PayPal but she received an email stating that they will not lift the ban on her account until I pay up. We have sent them an email stating that we are both financially independent but PayPal don't care full stop. Is there anything I can do or do I have to wait for the court case against the supplier first ?.
  16. Hi All Here is a quick update. I have received another letter from iQor :- This was received today 25/05/2011 along with a Complaints Procedure leaflet. Suppose I better draft a few complaints and see if I can annoy them as much as the annoy me.
  17. A big thank you to all those who have been helping me with this issue. I have had an email today 20th May 2011 :- So that is a win and there is a donation on the way very soon.
  18. Hi All After sending off several complaints about British Gas ect... I have received a letter today 20th May 2011 directly from British Gas which goes as follows :- I wonder is the letter would be the same if they noticed that I am not a customer of British Gas.
  19. Yep past the door but only time will tell if the just slam it back in my face.
  20. Ok I tried to email this address to complain and got the following reply :- Time to sit back and see what happens I suppose.
  21. Nice. !!! I have complained again and just basically ignored the email from them. Had movement on the case anyway. The police have confirmed that a man has been charged and we should expect a court date for his trial soon.
  22. Hi BRIGADIER2JCS That sounds like a good idea except who is the Director and where do I send it exactly ?. Anyone got any ideas as to the wording ?. I am not great at this type of thing so help please.
  23. Hi I have received no letter detailing the breakdown of how the amount has grown so high. Nor have I ever received any confirmation letter when the account was set up. I have tried till I am blue in the face to get them to listen to me. I even went into the Bank to complain and was just fobbed off. I was promised that they would look into it but obviously they have not bthered at all. I will pay anything that I really owe but I don't see why I should pay unfair charges especially when I was told that using the facility was as free as the facility itself as long as I stayed £50 and under that is.
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