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Everything posted by ksmarie

  1. Thanks for all your help and I will give it some thought today... If I go through with it, I may then take on Halifax for my credit card and Capitol One!!!
  2. Thanks for the advice..yes, i guess i should carry on, its seems so confusing though as one person says go to MCOL and someone else says complete an N1 and yet another advised me to go to the financial ombudsman!!!! All this talk of court bundles etc, seems so very scary and confusing for me and like i said , ive got a lot of stress in my life at the moment!!!
  3. £6,000...i know that you are going to think im mad to even consider accepting it. I did write and offer them to pay 25% less to me and this is the response i had Do you know if i could ring the recovery center and ask for more with the threat of taking the next step to court? has anyone done this?
  4. Just received letter from Andover offering £750 as a full and final response...as I really cant do with the hassle of court (ive got a bit of stress elsewhere in my life!)....should i ring the recovery center and ask for more, has anyone else done this? thanking you in anticipation
  5. I have just spoken to Penny Berryman and shes told me that she has nothing to do with bank charges at all, so tha Now, I think It was a waste of time ..dont bother ringing her!!! Im sooo frustrated as i dont know what to do next... Got my statements back in May and then wrote asking for charges back, received usual get lost letter so then sent LBA on May 16th..heard nothing.. After reading something on Martin Lewis' website about asking for 25% less, I did so, posting letter by registered mail on June 15th. In this letter, you ask for your charges to be paid within 14 days and yet again ...have heard nothing! Now, I think that I shall have to start court proceedings and have started filling out the form at MCOL...any ideas how you word the box that you have to give details of the claim in??? sorry, if it sounds thick, but im at the point of giving up as its all scary, but i have a lot of money at stake..£6,000!! please help kim
  6. Thanks Barty Puts my mind at rest that at least ive posted to right address!! Now i suppose i just wait to get a thanks but no thanks letter? kim
  7. Thanks Plaistow and everyone else. I posted it to customer service recovery centre, Andover..did I get that wrong?
  8. Hi..Kim here I posted my LBA on May 17th by recorded delivery and as advised on here Ive gone to the royal mail website to check that Lloyds have received the letter. According to royal mail nobodys signed for it yet so it cant be tracked.. Has anyone else had this problem??? surely they would have received it by now???
  9. Just off to post my letter by recorded delivery, very worried after watching GMTV.... If I have to go to court with it, is £6,000 too much for the small claims court..does anyone know? thanks and good luck to you all
  10. dmcgea..ps..you seem to know more..about splitting claim amount..i have no idea..so please stay in contact, thanks kim
  11. hi dmcgea...thanks for your reply..we are athe same stage and almost the same amount..keep in touch!!! xx
  12. ps..ive got a gold account, not basic as it says here..probably doesnt make a difference though
  13. thanks, going to to the letter now, keep your fingers crossed have you heard of anyone else claiming for this kind of amount successfully...they all seem to be smaller amounts kim
  14. Hi, Kim here Im new..have recieved letter today from lloyds, basic standard i think, saying blah blah, you cant have your charges back now going to send my LBA, but i am so scared as my charges come to over £6,000 need some help and someone to hold my hand over this!! do i post letter to Andover? thanks
  15. thanks i will, do i just go onto the lloyds forum?..is it that easy then to start a thread on there??
  16. mrsfoot..thanks for your reply..yes i have spent ages looking at this site before i had enough nerve to start.. im still very nervous as its a big amount im claiming, if it was £600 or so it wouldnt be so NERVE WRACKING!! all this talk of courts is scary..do you think i should post my lba tomorrow? thanks
  17. Hi everyone, new and scared, very scared!! Kim here Can anyone give me a bit of advice..I have my bank charges and sent my letter to Lloyds asking for them back..received letter today, saying blah blah etc. and they cannot agree to cancel any charges etc and they hope that this fully answers the points ive raised with them and hope that im happy with the way they have dealt with my complaint and if they havnt heard from me by july 9th they will close the file Does this seem like the standard letter that anyone else has received? and what should i do next? Bearing in mind that my charges amount to just over £6,000, i need to be very careful..i want the money back!! please help..looking forward to hearing from you all xxx
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