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Everything posted by ALJ

  1. Hi ims21 I have never missed a payment on these loans or any loan I have ever had, I've always worked so the payments have been made on time every time.
  2. Well I thought I'd post an update regarding my ppi claim, it was successful in that I finally got a response from them after dealing with them directly. They are paying me £3400 back, they said on the 10th of this month they would send me a cheque or pay it directly in to my TSB platinum account. Haha no chance, I logged on to my account yesterday to find one of my loans (£2600 left to pay) had mysteriously disappeared so I phoned the loans department and they said they had used part of my ppi award to clear one of my loans and tomorrow they are going to use the remainder to pay off my other smaller (£1100) loan. Surely this is not legal, in the past when I have asked for settlement figures they have sent me a letter with that figure and a slip that has to be signed by me giving permission to settle. I have paid that ppi money with my own hard earned wages, how can they take it and clear my existing loans just like that, is this actually legal.
  3. Thanks for that xboxer, it would certainly make sense, besides I would think my loan reference number is unique to me so they should be able to pull all the details using that.
  4. It is all confusing stuff, I am looking at the claim forms right now and question 4 asks for the policy number of the payment protection insurance you are claiming for, it later asks (section C1, what was the payment protection insurance sold to cover you for) what was the account number for this, this number should be different to the insurance policy number you filled in on page 1. I have two forms, one with loan reference number on it and one with loan account number and they are both the same, I have already fallen at the first hurdle
  5. So you reckon it would be ok to cancel my PPI ?
  6. Hi Fred It was a LloydsTSB advisor that told me, he said I would have to continue paying PPI until it had been settled because cancelling it makes it harder to claim. He said LloydsTSB would not ever pay out on a loan that was signed for because a signature is an acceptance of the PPI agreement so I asked if it was possible to cancel any future payments and he said yes I could cancel but doing that would make the ombudsmen look on the case different when I eventually sent my claim to them after I had been refused by LloydsTSB.
  7. I have been told that I cannot cancel my PPI payments on these two loans because that will make it harder to claim back what I have already paid, is this true ? The PPI adds a fair amount to my monthly payments and it would be better for me if I can stop them now without it affecting my claim, or should I continue paying the insurance. Regards Alan
  8. Thanks for the quick reply dx100uk, and also thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm really daunted by all this, I'm struggling with my finances at the moment and not and much in the way of pay rises for a long time, it doesnt help with the rising costs of bills and fuel and stuff, although yesterday the bank worker just shrugged his shoulders at me and said "you are not unique, you should tighten your belt more". I trusted the bank, never ever thought they might rip me off, naive I know but back then I didnt have much experience with banking and stuff, how times have changed.
  9. Hello chaps I am new to all this PPI stuff and am in fact finding it all a little bit daunting to say the least. I have two separate loans with LloydsTSB, one started in August 2006 and it was for £7000 to be paid back over 84 months and the other was started in May 2008 and was for £3000 to be paid back over 60 months. I had to sign for both these loans but on both occasions was told by the bank worker that my chances of getting the loans would be affected if I didnt take out PPI. On both occasions I was subjected to lengthy lectures about how unstable the economy was and that my job security meant that loans might not be granted unless I had some form of cover for unemployment or sickness and that PPI was available, in effect they made me feel like it was a privilege to be offered such cover, I felt pressured into taking out the cover and was already desperate for the money and so was easy to manipulate. Both my interviews were also late in the afternoon and it was almost like they spent ages scaring me about the PPI and then before I knew it closing time was approaching and I was rushed. I went in to my local branch the other day to see where I might stand regarding a claim because the payments are now crippling me because of rising living costs and a lack of pay rises in my field and was told by a member of staff that because I had signed for the loans and that they were taken out within the last five years that LloydsTSB have point blank refused to pay anyone within that time frame and that nobody would listen anyway because it would be my word against theirs, in fact he even had the audacity to try and pressuring me to continue with the PPI cover after I had asked about cancelling. If I signed for these loans then surely my only option is just to cancel them and not claim, my signature surely means "I Agreed" Can anyone shed some light on all this for me please, I just dont know where I stand. Regards Alan
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