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  1. Just to let you all know Craptalk (Southline) have done it again and gone into administration leaving people with their debts yet again!!!. everyone needs to stay vigilant and look for their comeback in yet another trading name so that we can all blacklist this company. Congrats Crap talk you have made me smile at last as the debt owed to orange is being passed to their administrators. Mr Singh and your associates of Cleartalk you are all **** and i would not **** on you if you were burning, you are truly not worth the dog turd off the bottom of my shoe.
  2. Help help please someone help, having a nightmare with cleartalk communications (previously known as southline). Clear talk cold called me also and offered a deal with O2 that i could not refuse. My monthly tariff with orange ranged from £600 - £900 per month so when cleartalk told me they could get similar mins with O2 for £450 and buy me out of my contract with orange for £2800 i nearly bit their hand off. I have a written quotation from clear talk stating the above but to this day 18 months on and numerous letters from the debt collection agency this money has still not been payed. What annoys me more is the fact that every time i make a payment to O2 these dirty little scamsters cleartalk are taking a commision so have explained to O2 that i no longer wish to be in this contract. I have told O2 that i will re-sign with them direct the following day but they are telling me if i leave there will be a £6000 buy out fee (yes £6000) and they cannot re-start a new contract with me to waiver this. So i am indeed caught between a rock and a hard stone. If i stay with O2 craptalk carry on making commision if i leave i will be left with a £6000 debt from O2 as well as the now £3200 from orange sureley this cant be correct. I have told O2 perhaps they could chase craptalk for the money as they are in breach of contract but NO the contract is in my name yet they dont have the power to close my account with cleartalk as it is infact craptalks decision to release me from contract and you guessed it they told me i could get out but would have to pay the buyout of 6k. Now if this debt of 6k was with cleartalk i would tell them to stick it where the sun dont shine but yep you guessed it its with O2. Can anyone offer any sensible advice sureley this cant be legal as many others are suffering at the hands of CRAPTALK
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