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Everything posted by dragon22

  1. UPDATE : I paid them £20 yesterday and should be fine now I didn't even receive a letter though Thank you to all the people who have helped and yes i'm for real
  2. Hello thank you for your help but I don't think this is the case because on my 'Pre-Court Litigation' letter it says "ORANGE PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS have informed us that upon receipt of the full payment they will re-connect your service with no re-connection fee' So will they have bought the debt I know about Debt companies buying debts but it doesn't seem right in my case does it? Thank you
  3. I'm not just going to ignore someone that replies and helps Revenant
  4. Nope but I owe Orange money and they have been instructed by Orange to get the payment off me Its not like i'm not going to pay i am going to pay i just can't afford anything until the 28th
  5. What do you mean? But at the end of the day i owe them money and i've said i'll pay on a certain date every month I'm still thinking i've broken a contractual agreement by not paying Am i wrong to think that? As i said i'm new to this and don't have a clue how things work i seriously appreciate all the help given
  6. Thats all they can do? I have an agreement with them though but i've now broken that
  7. Seriously? I'd heard that if you miss a payment with them they raise the monthly amount
  8. What happened with that? I don't want to make things worse I can't pay anything until the 28th now Once they've sent the letter asking for the full amount if i pay on the 28th what will happen then? will they keep pestering me for more? @ Revenant - I can't even afford £1 until the 28th @ Bazooka - So once they've sent me that letter what do i then do?
  9. Hey guys thanks a lot for the advice Just thought i'd update So i'm now officially late with my payment today So what will happen now? I've heard so many stories of people having to pay more a month because they missed a payment with Moorcroft can they force me to do that? Just want to put my mind at rest Thank you
  10. It isn't a wind up at all I've just heard horror stories about moorcroft and don't want to do the wrong thing thats all i apologise and thanks for your help
  11. They can't do anything other than moan? I won't have broken any legal agreement or anything?
  12. So if they send a letter demanding the full amount and i can't pay they'll do what? You're saying i should just send money when i can until its paid off?
  13. Haha apologies Revenant i'm just worried you can understand that right? I'm new to all this Paul how long after you didn't pay did you receive a letter? and you're positive they have no way to make me pay the full amount?
  14. Thank you very much Paul I've heard horror stories though of someone missing a payment with moorcroft and then them saying they aren't eligible for a payment plan anymore and then demanding the full amount and i definitely can't afford the full payment amount
  15. They made me give my card details when I initially phoned up Should i report my card lost with the bank so that they can't take anything? I have 40p in my bank until the 28th If i send them that does that constitute me trying to pay and if i went to court even though everyone is saying that i won't if i do would that go in my favour? Thank you everyone for your help So you're saying i've no need to worry and that they can't just demand the full amount if i don't pay?
  16. But if i don't pay can they enforce this and make me pay the full amount?
  17. Thank you very much i see what you mean but surely i need to let them know i can't pay until the 28th?
  18. You're positive i'm not legally obliged? I seriously am terrified about them taking me to court and its getting me down a lot
  19. aren't i legally obliged to make a payment on the 20th of every month? i'm scared that 1) i don't pay until the 28th 2) i then get a letter saying they want the full amount 3) i then can't pay it 4) they then take me to court and then i'm screwed
  20. But if i don't pay they might ask for the full amount and i can in no way afford that
  21. So if i ring up as its so close to my payment date and say i can't pay until the 28th can they take me to court or can they still not?
  22. Hello there, I'm looking for some help because i'm seriously tearing my hair out and i've seen other people get help with this kind of thing before and thought that I could get some help Firstly i'd like to say please forgive me if i don't understand certain things i'm new to this and i'm just doing what i've been told I took out an 18 month contract with Orange and long story short its got on top of me and i haven't been able to pay it due to me being a student and i had problems with my accommodation etc so I haven't been able to pay Orange so because of this i got sent a 'Pre-Litigation' letter from Moorcroft about 3 months ago and I contacted them and set up a monthly payment of £20 which i've been paying every month The problem is this month I can't afford it due to my student loan not coming in until the 28th and my payment is due on the 20th of every month and theres no way i can get the money because i can't ask my parents or friends for money because they have helped as much as they can with this and other things and I don't want to ask for any more When I rang up when I received the letter they were extremely rude and basically said i was **** for getting into this debt so i'm sure you can all understand that i'm a bit scared of phoning up and saying that I can't pay until the 28th of this month Are they likely to take me to court if I can't pay until the 28th? The debt is for a little under £200 somewhere around about £180-£190 I'm terrified of them taking me to court and then baliffs coming to collect the debt because I live with my parents and don't want to drag them into my debt as it isn't fair on them I just want to know where I stand and what my rights are on this matter and what they can and can't do Thank you very much in advance Its a huge help
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