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Everything posted by issy10

  1. Hi evryone sorry its taken so long to get intouch but it was quite a long process itself, but the main points are, i went to a soliciter who gave me free legal advice, we spoke about estoppel and together wrote out a letter with the evidence and sent it off, they sed they wud stop proceedings whilst they reviewed this and we havnt heard from them since! We take this as wev won the battle but not the war as it would be almost impossible for them to take me to court as they have not replyed to offical papers but they are also allowed up to 6 years to claim the money they say was over payed, i say TAKE A HIKE theyl neva get a penny off me! one point for the little people!!
  2. Hi, yes we are in the exact situation now, we borrowed in 2006 and have already payed back £26000 , we only origanally borrowed £30000 yet we have another 10 years left to pay????? how on earth can the continue to make us pay this much back, in ten years time we will have repayed nearly 3 times the amount we borrowed!!!! i dont mind paying back what we borrowed plus say £5k but this is just extorsionate!! there must be some law somewere that says this kind of excessive intrest ids illegal?? or i shud have just gone to the loan shark down the road instead of a company that has passed the loan on more times than iv had hot dinners!!! We had just turned 19 when we got our loan, which experienced company decide to call you and say we can put 30k in your bank within a few weeks wat an amazin oppertunity! No wounder the uks financial situation is like it is, this has crippled us andwev not stopped worrying about it for the last 5 years, we understand we said yes and signed the papers but didnt expect to pay ova £70000 for a 30k loan. rant ova but im not gona stop untill picture are punished for wat theyv done to thousends of people!
  3. Thank you sidewinder, what a complete and thorough answer, you have given me food for thought! Its so scary taking on such a big company its so nice that people like you are only a click away! I will write the letter this week and keep you posted! You'v definatly given me hope were as before i had none thank you!
  4. Hi There, thanks for that it is something iv been reading up on and something i could look into, the concerns i have now is that it proberbly will go to court as i have no way of paying this back and i have been told i proberbly wont be able to get legal aid as my partner works full time, so i will have to face my old employer on my own. This is why iv turned to the internet to gain as much knowledge as i can. Once again thanks for the info xx
  5. Hi, if any one could give me any idvice any ideas that would be great i cant tell you how upset i am regarding this and dont no were to turn to next... I was made redundant last year whilst on maternity leave, before evan recieving a lettter to tell me i was going to recieve a payment, my bank account showed a large payment, i immediatly phoned my previous employer(payroll) to ask if it was from them as i wasnt waiting on any other large payment. They told me YES it was from them end of phone call. 10 minutes later after trying to work out the amount paid i phoned back to ask them if the payment was correct and that the full amount was mine and that i could use all of it, again the answer was yes, the amount was still bothering me so for a THIRD time abount 5 minutes after the last call(i have kept a record of all calls made) i call again, i asked payroll if all taxes and NI was taken off correctly...again i was told the sum was correct end of story...i wish I have just recieved a letter at the weekend telling me they have over paid me by £1000 and that if i do not pay by the end of the month they will take me to court! I recieved the money nearly a year ago and have paid bills and debts and had to pay for my partner to purchase a new car as our old one had broken down and wed just had a new baby and he uses his car for his work so needed this urgently, i have no way of paying this bill and have no regular income as iv just gone self employed last month i literaly have £100 in my bank account after putting the very little i had into my business. What more could i have done than phone them 3 times to query this???? Also how can they only contact me now??? Any advice would be kindly appreciated xx thank you xx
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