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  1. Hi, like above I recieved a 'payment due in full - 24hours'. On previous occassions I have telephoned Equita to be told to carry on paying what I can and ignore the letters as they are computerised. Up to last week they had money from me. I would much prefer to pay via DD but they wont allow it. This debt should never have come about in the first place. I have been on incapacity and disabled benefits since 1995 without a break. When I queried the first 'red' bill I wa told that I had 11k in my bank and was therefore not entitled to CT benefit......I WISHED. It so happened my mother had the same bank, and I, along with my sister was added to that account when she became unable to control her money through illness. They accepted my explanation. The following year, I had to apply yet again, despite still not working. They mentioned my mothers account was not shown on my statement. Stupidly I explained that my mother had died. They then stopped my money because I was bound to have inherited. They wanted to know the ins/outs of everything. I was entitled to the benefit and have been since 1995. I have proved time and time again that I am not wealthy but to no avail. Hence this debt. On contacting Equita I was told to pay what I could when I could. I do, they cash the cheques, but I still get the threats. I myself am a pensioner and scared witless to leave any windows open. I have to leave my mobility car close to the house. Can they take this vehicle even though it is a leased car thru the disabled mobility scheme? HELP, I need advice, I am scared of going out, or getting back home to find them on my doorstep. I am not in a position to fight back. Thankyou for any advice
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