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Posts posted by stressedoutmum

  1. Hiya


    Unfortunately still no laptop as yet, so borrowing my sister's to send the latest correspondance I have received from ARC.


    Sent the letter to Bushey only the other day so haven't heard anything from them.


    Do I have to reply to these guys? What do I say?


    This really is the last thing I need at the moment, life seems to be getting harder. Why don't we have a way were we can just prove our cases to these people fairly and humanly, instead of the threats and 3rd party interference. It's funny how they never acknowledge anything within the cancellation period, and then all of a sudden it's after that they start chasing. Also it actually says 1 month cancellation so how can they go to 3 all of a sudden?


    Sorry rant over, just getting really frustrated with everything.


    Help would be really appreciated. Thankyou so much.



  2. Hi


    Unfortunately due to a death in the family I have had time to visit this site for awhile. However not heard anything from my anyone regarding my letter from the 5/4/11. Going to now reply back to the manager's letter as I couldn't do it earlier.


    Will keep this site posted on any news.



  3. Hi Slick will re-scan the letter and attach it.


    I have been sending all the letter's registered post to Head Office now, before it was directly to the club.


    I havent replied yet to this letter as I was fuming and then had a family emergency so had to rush to the hospital...just got back awhile ago. However, I do want to reply to this letter and will run it past you before I send it, but will be tomorrow.


    Thankyou Slick for all your support and help.


  4. OMG the letter they said they sent back at the beginning of March arrived today. Please see attached. It seems like the manager hasnt even investigated the matter at all and just listened to the 2 ladies in membership, who are obviously not telling the truth and the whole story.


    I was not aggressive or abusive, I was really upset and crying and frustrated, and to make matters worse, Claire was talking over me and not listening to what I was saying, so told her she was rude and uncooperative and didn't want to talk to her but the manager only and put the phone down. That was the same day I found CAG.


    He's talking about T&C's saying 3 months, but it also says 1 month before the year, and nothing about them confirming, but judging by the way they communicate they seem to have done it on purpose. My friend was able to claw back my emails eventually, and have found the one I sent in July 2010 cancelling and the letter I sent at the beginning of September to confirm the cancellation. Funny how they only acknowledge after my contract ends.


    Will be replying back to Craig Knowles. :-x


    Just thought I would update you guys.


  5. Thankyou Slick, I already had the letter from Trevor Munn, but after I spoke to Head Office for the 3rd time and got them to call off the dogs, I havent heard anything, only ARC.


    I really hope this letter works and they stop all the harrassment.


    Right off to bed now, cann't keep my eyes open. Thanks again.

  6. Finally received a letter with agreement and terms&conditions. I am not happy with their reply and found other emails between me and them, especially as I found a email on the 12/10/10 and 21/10/10, where again they are saying they didn't get the email in July or the letter I sent again to in September to say I am cancelling my membership and payments will stop after my 12 months.

    I have attached all for you to have a look at.

    The letter is rude and they seem to be washing their hands off it. I gave my 1 months notice from September and more from back in July. And the letter they say they sent, I told them I haven't received it back at the beginning of March when I spoke to them and they said they would check and come back to me...never heard back from them.

    Please where do I go from here. I really want to say it is their responsibility and it says we can give 1 months notice aswell as 3months.

    Who can we take this to, higher up?




  7. Thanks for the advise, stupidly I would have most probably spoken to them and felt terrible afterwards. Lets see if there is any post from them early in the week Will keep you updated.


    Thanks to you I now feel I can handle them. Even the mums at school have noticed how I am alot freer I am. I realy appreciate the help you are giving.

  8. hello


    just to update, sent letters off yesterday morning, registered post to David Lloyd and proof of sending to the other 2. Low and be hold David Lloyd called today, I was driving, so let it ring abit whilst I pulled up. I picked up, said hello and I heard the receiver go down.


    Even if I didn't pick up, I would have thought that whoever it was would have waited to leave a message. I didn't call back as I didn't know who it was that called.


    Will update if I hear anything more.

  9. Hi

    I know a mum at school mention them to me awhile ago, and I was helping her understand the letter. At the time via a search, I found there are some scams going on under Buchanan clark and wells. Have a look, put the name in and lots of different stories about scams regarding this company came up.

    One thing I remember was that they ask you to do most of the work for them, like confirm name, address,etc. and send supporting evidence. DONT DO IT AS IT IS UPTO THEM TO PROVE IT. Just ignore them and go directly to the client who has instructed to find out what it is they are claiming for.

    Good luck. These Debt Collection agencies really make life hard for us, they should be regulated by an independant body, the amount of stress, worry and pressure they cause is unbelievable.

    Thanks to one of the guys on this site and this site, I am now able to handle it.

  10. I have been looking for weeks and all day today, it must have gone with my other halfs stuff. I will request from DL. I have also asked my friend to keep trying and he promises he will work all weekend on it, so fingers crossed.

    Should I also for the credit agreement?

    Will send letter out tomorrow first thing.

    Thankyou for advise and help today, really appreciate it.

  11. Thankyou fedupofharrasmentstudent for your kind words and I am sorry to hear that you too have had problems. However, No I will not pay as I am not in the wrong and will fight it all the way. I know I would save myself the stress and upset, but I would be more upset because I will feel ripped off and keep questioning myself. Once I give in they would use that against me if I took DL to court later. I would rather do it now. Anyway they are now asking for nearly 700pounds, and I don't get money from my childrens dad, so if I had that kind of spare cash I would take them out and treat them.

    Thanks Slick132, I haven't phoned them back but got another calls from a number I don't reconize so didn't answer and there was no voice message, just texts. Just remembered I don't remember signing any credit agreement with them, does this help. The kids dad wanted them to go to DL to learn Tennis and he joined us but not himself as he was leaving the country, so it was a kind of goodbye present to them but it had to be with an adult and he put me down, I never used the club, I never even saw their gym :|. I don't remember signing anything at the intial meeting either.

    Hope to catch up with you later.

  12. Good Morning


    I have had missed calls from a private number this morning, and now getting text to say I have to call ARC. There is no name or anything, it just says 'Can you ring me at ARC today on xxxxxxxx quoting ref. xxxxx.


    What do I do or say? Getting worried they will send someone around. I have told them previously I am clearly disputing this.


    Please help.



  13. Hi Slick132

    1. I am searching boxes, draws and cupboards for my agreement, I know I have it somewhere or it went in the box I sent to my inlaws for my estranged husband.

    2. I remember they said we had to be a member for at least 1 year before we can cancel, but could give notice before the year as long as it 3 months before the year is up.

    3. We joined the club in October 2009.

    4. Yes DD cancelled in October 2010.

    5. Yes I said that I would continue my DD to October 2010, as then it will be a year and also the 3 months notice period.

    6. I paid till October because they said I had to finish the first year, and end of my 3 month notice period. However the lady told me this verbally and I put it in my cancellation letter to confirm. They say they never received it, and unfortunately I didn't get a receipt as I emailed it to them and shortly after was burgled where my laptop was taken, so I deleted all my received, sent and folders emails. Stupid I know, but I was worried the bulgars would be able to access my emails as I was logged in when the laptop went. I have asked a friend of mine,who is abit of an IT specialist if he can get them back, so I hope & pray he can, but has had no luck so far.

    Thankyou so much for your help and advise so far. I haven't been able to sleep with worry and dread, as I am a natural worrier, especially when I get angry and frustrated as I know I am in the right and have done everything by the book, as far as I am aware. I am the sort of person who if gets too much change will hand it back, or find money I always give it in, or I worry if I have find/get something that isn't mine, people tell me I'm mad.....how silly is that?? :|

    Unfortunately I will be needing your help with what to write and who to as I feel my mind and brain is electrified and cann't function properly.

  14. Thankyou Slick132. I'm sorry I put my post at the bottom of someone elses, I not too sure on how to use the site.


    I have been reading other stories on this site and don't feel so alone now, thank god I found you guys before I had a complete breakdown. However I don't know what to do now. Who do I write to? What more can I write? Any help would be appreciated.


    Thanks again.

  15. Hi

    I am having the same problems, but the club involved is David Lloyd. I have written to them, emailed them and left a lots of messages at the club via the phone for the manager to contact me. I call every day, once in the morning and then again at 3pm whilst waiting for the kids to come out of school, always it's he's in a meeting or he's out. Membership team don't want to listen, they just keep going on about procedure, but I have followed procedure and if it was wrong why has no-one communicated this to me until it's too late.

    The following is the last email I sent on the 22/3.

    Dear Claire and Craig

    Further to my brief conversation with Claire this morning, I would like to express again that I have not received any correspondance from yourselves which is why I keep sending emails and telephone messages.


    I spoke with your head office, on a number of occassions, and at the conversation they said I really should speak to Craig Knowles as he is the manager and the matter should be with him as it has reached this far and ARC cannot make any decisions and are not interested in coming to an understanding as they are just Debt Collectors, not apart of David Lloyds. I explained everything to them and they seem to understand and suggested I should try again to get my point across.



    1. I spoke with Claudia, as Jill who I use to deal with had moved on, back in June and said I will be cancelling my membership and understand that it will be to 1 year.


    2. So in July I sent an email to confirm my cancellation, with regret. I didn't receive any reply back and carried on paying my fees till October 2010.


    3. Then in October/November I got a text to say that I was behind on my payments.


    4. This is when I spoke to you and you then informed me that they need it in writing aswell. I also communicated via email with I think it was Claire then, and so it went on. So I wrote in aswell.


    5. I didn't hear from you again to confirm or acknowledge the letter.


    6. All I got was a letter in January from ARC demanding payment. So I spoke with Margarate, and she said membership will call me.


    7. I waited and waited, no-one called, so by this time I was very frustrated, angry and upset. So I called you and ended up having a very unpleasant conversation with the lady in membership.


    8. What I am frustrated with is that no-one at Bushey seems to understand is that I have given you plenty of notice of my cancellation and that you have not been forth coming with your communication. I keep being told that they will call me back but no one ever does, and then I try again, frustrated, angry and upset as I feel ignored and avoided. I am sure you would feel the same, and it is no way to treat a person.


    I know the procedure and have followed it, but because of lack of communication from DL Bushey,I have been made out to have not followed it.


    9. Again I wrote to you in February, and again have had no response, until again I get a letter from a Solictor for ARC.


    10. Again HO advised me to speak directly with the manager for Bushey, and so for the last 2 days I have leaving messages for him to call back.



    I am prepared to fight this, but more than anything would prefer to sort this out between ourselves.


    Thankyou for your time into this matter and I hope to speak with Craig very soon.



    Still got no phone call, and called them this morning just to be told the manager is out all day and back tomorrow.

    I am so stressed out, I worry all the time, I cann't even give my 3 young children any proper attention and get upset with them even on the smallest thing and even ended up in a car accident on Monday, after ARC called me before I was taking my kids to school and upset me. I told them I will not deal with them and I had received the county court claim letter from Trevor Munn, but until Bushey DL investigate the matter further about how I haven't followed procedure and tell me, I will not speak to ARC. They said that they don't know anything about that but they have to collect.

    David Lloyd Head Office put a hold on ARC twice so I can sort it out with Bushey DL, but Bushey DL are not communicating with me. What do I do? Can you Please Please help me as my kids need me, there is no dad on the scene anymore and I have no family support here, not that they would understand.

    I don't know how to respond to ARC or Trevor Munn or to get David Lloyd Bushey to listen and hear what I am saying.

    Thankyou so much in advance for reading this and any help would be much appreciated.

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