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Everything posted by lj89

  1. im not going to give too much info away so i dont reveal myself too much, but i worked there last year. for 2 weeks. they have 2 departments one which call potential customers gathering information about them to then go to porting where a 2nd department will call the mobile company pretending to be whoever to find out buy out fees and check their account and stuff if its a viable buy out a 3rddept will call them giving them deals. i worked in dept 1 left due to working for an appaulingly run company. i wasnt even paid for my work there. while i was there loads of different staff were coming in and out the doors with promises of wage cheques. they are now operating under t2 whether or not its still under that name is beyond me. they were when i was there operating under cleartalk in some parts of the company. im not sure if its still there or not but its ground floor admiral suite royal mail house terminus Terrance southampton and its run by a guy called taz chaddah. there is]a facebook group set up by another disgruntled worker just type the name into google and you'll find it. hope this helps some of you.
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