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  1. Hi I shared a house for a year with a live in landlord. We made a verbal agreement. I paid one month's deposit. I agreed to pay share of gas, electricity and cleaner. All other charges to be included in rent. 7 months into rent, landlord asks for back payment of 6 months of council tax. I disputed this and did not agree to pay it or to change our agreement that it was to be included in the rent. It turned out he had just had a final demand. He didn't force the issue or ask me to leave but I knew he wanted me to change my mind. In the beginning of February the boiler went for the second time. It had not been fixed for three weeks and LL could not give me a date for repair, awaiting parts. Also the kitchen cooking surfaces were filthy with mouse droppings. No form of pest control had been tried. After 3 weeks no heat I gave notice, but this was 10 days short of the agreed 1 month notice. Knowing that my LL was very short of cash and really just living off my rent I didn't think I would be able to get my deposit back. I offered landlord all of my deposit to pay for shortfall in notice and outstanding gas bill, we had moved on to electric key by now. He was not interested in this offer. He claims that I owe council tax and a water bill that he only mentioned after I gave notice. These bills were to be included in my rent according to our verbal agreement. He disputes this. He is also saying that the deposit was now invalidated because he had waited some time for me to move in originally. At the time he had said I could move in at any time. It was not in any way described a special favour that was covered by my security deposit payment. Also before the period which my last rent ended but after I had taken my possessions from the house but before I had cleaned the room, he asked for the keys back and said I would need permission to enter the property from then on. I gave keys back and haven't been back since. I've explained my position to him but he is not taking it on board and threatening to take me to court. He hasn't served any papers yet. He says that legally I have to give him my new address. Do I? Do I legally have to pay the gas bill even though I know he won't pay me the deposit back, or is it ok for me to say "take it out of the deposit?" I would appreciate any advice you have for me as I'm feeling very anxious about the situation. If I could reason with him I would but he is difficult to communicate with and adamant about his position. One last thing. All the payments I have made to him for rent and bills have gone into an account of his ex-wife. He uses her bank card to access this money. Many thanks for reading and offering advice.
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