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Rookie Bandi

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Everything posted by Rookie Bandi

  1. Indeed, there is nothing what we can do,now just wait and see. And basicly we have done this to ourselves. We'll be honest, we don't want to worsen the situation. Thanks again for everything, You helped me a lot! Once we are over with it, i'll drop a few lines how did it go. Good night
  2. See that is the problem.We are living together over a year and been off for just a few weeks.That is why i don't want this whole"partner" thing to come out. But if they didn't asked her before, they won't ask her know when she's volunteraly wanna give up the benefit, because now she is in a better financial situtaion.?!
  3. Thanks a lot! The things is, to we don't want all this hassle with filling out formats and stuff. Finally we are in the financial situation, to she doesn't need the benefit anymore (which wasn't a big ammount anyway. 14pounds/week) so it won't be a big loss.So you say, they won't check her out if she will go to that appoitment and just explain to them, to she will earn more and volunteraly will give up the benefit, just to make things easier, and will not say anything about being with a partner. We try to avoid attention, just wanna get over with this thing, and don't worry about when will someone do some random checks, and then they will accuse her with fraud. I know we should have pay more attention for the details, we won't do anything like this again that is for sure. PS : Sorry for my daft and over cautious questions but i am a bit lost, and i' wanna now what options, possibilities she has. Thanks for all your help.
  4. On off, like weeks, but now we are together, and yes i am working(was on minimum wage till january). So a few weeks ago she got a letter, to her employment details have changed ( which is true she has changed a job) There she is gonna work more hours, for more wage(48 hrs 6.40P/hr), so she decided to cancel, because she wouldn't be entilted anyway. She had called Hm Rev. today to cancel the benefit, and they told her to she will get an appoitment where she has to take her ID, etc.( make sense, you can't do this over the phone w.out prove to you are who you are. ). Then it hit me, what if they will check her out, and see to the utility bills are coming for 2 names. That is why i started to worry to she might have some problems.Please tell me to i am just over reacting. thanks
  5. No, i am new, and after i have posted i have realised to i've posted to the wrong place, and then i deleted it. Long story short : We live 2gether over a year ( on off) and her income will change soon, so she won't be entilted anyway.But my concern is to she didn't change the circumstances ( living with me) , and the bills are coming for both of our names.HM rev.told her to she will have an appoitment where she has to take ID etc..What my worry is, to won't Hm Rev. dig into her detials, and accuse her with fraud?Will they check anything if someone is CANCELING the benefit?Are my worries real or just overreacting? thanks
  6. Hi. Because of the reasons just i said.We have realised to we have done wrong, and we don't want to continue it.Her income will change, so it is just not worth the hastle for 30pounds a month. I know it seems daft but we don't want to worsen it.
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