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  1. Yep ldk [ wonder of they know their staff took the money i doubt it but i got no proof [ Im furious arrrrgggggg
  2. Hi Can anyone please advise !!!! Never had a parking ticket before and im furious ! Went to Hartlepool couple of weeks ago and parked in a pay and display car park but the machine was out of order !! Looking at all the other cars they had notes in so i just left the car as i was just popping into chemist to collect prescription . As i returned i was being given a ticket i told him the machine was not working [ He said i dont care you should have rang our office] I took a pound out of my purse and said theirs your pound for gods sake i was furious he tooks it and said i will let the office know . Told him to take the ticket back and he did ! Now ive ended up with a debt collector letter saying i owe £140.00 I CANT BELEIVE IT ! I rang their office and was told we have a picture of the ticket on your car and i will have to pay as thye officers wouldnt ttake payment like that ! Im absolutley shocked at this that he took my money aswell as not cancelling the ticket can anyone advise im so tempted to go to the papers ! Ive been conned HELP !!!
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