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Yankee Doodle

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  1. Foolishly I asked my landlady to change the tenancy agreement from my name to include my (now ex) partner. The living situation is unbearable. Yet it seems that legally there is nothing I can do. My ex partner refuses to leave. I've lived in the house 2 years prior, and deposit that was paid by me is with my landlady. I can prove that. My ex partner has to date made no payment into the deposit when we signed up (the agreement doesn't state this though). The agreement runs till December. I don't want to leave here but feel forced to as no other option. According to the law Under Schedule 7 of the Family Law Act 1996, the court can order the transfer of the tenancy to a live-in partner when a couple split up. I don't want to go to court but think that's the only way out. If I were to give notice, can my landlady write up a new tenancy agreement? I appreciate any advice, thank you.
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