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Posts posted by steve1963

  1. While I was sitting there on the phone (on hold) I redid the search on go compare and the same price came up they then tried telling me Go compare wasn't a live search or accurate. Now I've had time to do some searching it appears that the internet is awash with stories of them doing to others exactly what they did to us, some people getting stung for hundreds of pounds.

  2. 'fraid not and really wish I'd done my research first. It's only 77 quid and if we never see it again I guess it's not the end of the world.

    I'm really just putting this out there to help others from making the same mistake as Rcib seem well known for this type of practice. I've used comparison sites many times before for insurance but will be more careful in the future.

  3. Hi, Just had our first and most definitely last encounter with Rcib.

    Here's the review I've left on TrustPilot for them.


    'We found this shower via several comparison sites, regardless of site they were the cheapest quote

    and the price quoted was consistent across the board.


    We decided to go with them and selected the policy via Go compare,

    we wanted to pay the premium on a monthly basis.



    When we paid the deposit/ first payment a box appeared on the screen saying the payment couldn't go through

    and to ring them, which we did.



    While on the phone we checked our bank account and saw that the money had gone out,

    when we got through the young lady started going through all the details again as if doing a new quote.

    She then told us that the price would be more than quoted and tried to give us some spiel.


    I questioned this practice and got put on to someone called Gary (a supervisor;) he refused to honour the price and his 'like it or lump it' attitude was appalling.


    We now find ourselves trying to get our deposit back which we believe was taken fraudulently,

    we have lodged complaints with trading standards and the insurance ombudsman.


    They also have our bank details for the direct debit and wouldn't be at all surprised if they tried to take payment.


    Cannot begin to imagine what the service would be like if you needed to claim!


    We went with Bikesure for the policy and that was an altogether more pleasant experience"



    What a dodgy bunch:mad2:

  4. Conniff, thank you for the input.

    Who am I taking to court?

    The dealer? He has sent the £500 cheque which is now clearing in the bank.

    Motonovo? What do I threaten them with? As far as we are concerned the agreement is cancelled the contract/dispute is now between them and the dealer. I just want Motonovo to get off their arses and get the issue resolved so we can move forward either with Motonovo or without them. Should Motonovo have sent us a cancellation confirmation?

  5. Thanks for the input guys.


    The deposit isn't my main concern with this, the cheque was paid in over a week ago now, how long until it's safe to consider it good?


    Can Motonovo hold the outstanding debt (£9400) against us in any way? We never signed for the vehicle or took delivery, we signed finance papers only and we cancelled this agreement within the 14 days.


    Although we have emailed them and spoken to them countless times on the phone we have not actually recieved anything in writing to say the contract is cancelled, should we have? If so is there any statute I can quote them in order to force them to actually take action?


    The broker that is trying to set up the finance now says she cannot do anything because that contract is still showing as live, so even if we wanted to go to someone else it looks like we cant because of this live agreement.


    From the (very limited) info Motonovo are giving us the dealer still hasn't returned the money, they keep fobbing us off and being vague, whenever my wife talks to them he only gets as far as a phone operator and even though she asks they wont put her onto a manager.

  6. Hi,

    Sorry for the double post, I logged in using my old account by mistake. Mods please feel free to delete the other thread.


    I have an issue with Motonovo finance I'm hoping I can get some advice on.


    A couple of weeks ago we put a deposit down on a van with a dealer called Cars and Vans R us, we didn't actually see the van they said they were internet based only and that all their vans are pristine ex contract 1 owner, at a different depot blah blah blah,

    The dealer has a large presence on ebaylink3.gif and offer a money back guarantee if you are not happy so we felt happy to proceed.

    (In hindsight now when I look at all the ads none of them show the reg plates and seem to be pictures of the same vans used over)


    They also arranged finance for us with Motonovo, and

    they bought the papers to our house to sign.

    Five days later they delivered the van.

    I was not happy with the condition, dirty, dents on roof, residue from vinyl signage only one key etc so they took it away to work on over the weekend. I explained I would not buy the vehicle if I was not 100% happy with it and at 11,500 inc VAT I felt I was justified in expecting a 'pristine' vehicle as their ad boasts.


    When they returned the vehicle on the Monday I was still not happy with it so

    refused it and rang Motonovo straight away to cancel the agreement, so far not so good.


    After a bit of arguing Cars and Vans have sent us a cheque for the deposit, and a bill for as they say two aborted delivery attempts. The cheque has been paid in and we are now keeping our fingers crossed it clears.


    We found an alternative van at another dealers and set about getting the finance sorted,

    we thought we were all set then Motonovo turned around and said they wouldn't release the funds on the new van because Cars and Vans R Us were withholding the original advance

    and the deal couldn't progress until the funds had been recovered.


    Is this standard procedure?

    Can they really penalise us because one of their 'preferred dealers' won't give the money back,

    what happens if he never gives it back?

    Will we be liable?


    The dealer also claims he's now sold the van.


    Because of our circumstances we are limited to the funding options open to us

    otherwise we'd walk away and because they told us we were good to go I put a £300 deposit on the second vehicle.


    We are now 2 weeks on from refusing the original van and cancelling the first contract and still have not progressed, Motonovo say they still have not received the money back from the dealer but seem quite happy to just sit back and do nothing.


    Feeling annoyed, foolish and embarrassed in equal measures at the mo'

  7. Hi,

    I have an issue with Motonovo finance I'm hoping I can get some advice on.


    A couple of weeks ago we put a deposit down on a van with a dealer called Cars and Vans R us,


    we didn't actually see the van

    they said they were internet based only

    that all their vans are ex contract 1 owner,

    and at a different depot blah blah blah,


    they have a large presence on ebay and

    offer a money back gaurantee if you are not happy

    we felt happy to proceed.


    They also arranged finance for us with Motonovo,

    they bought the papers to our house to sign


    five days later delivered the van,

    I was not happy with the condition

    they took it away to work on over the weekend bought it back on the monday


    however I was still not happy with it

    refused it and rang Motonovo straight away to cancel the agreement, so far not so good.


    We found an alternative van at another dealers and set about getting the finance sorted,

    we thought we were all set then Motonovo turned around and said they wouldn't release the funds on the new van

    because Cars and Vans R Us were withholding the original advance

    and the deal couldn't progress until the funds had been recovered.


    Is this standard procedure


    can they really penalise us because one of thier 'preferred dealers' won't give the money back,

    what happens if he never gives it back?

    Will we be liable?


    The dealer also claims he's now sold the van.


    Because of our circumstances we are limited to the funding options open to us

    otherwise we'd walk away and because they told us we were good to go I put a £300 deposit on the second vehicle.


    Feeling annoyed, foolish and embarrased in equal measures at the mo'

  8. Hi,

    I was not really sure where to post this and I'm in a bit of a flap so please forgive me and point me in the right direction if necessary.


    I sub-let a small workshop for my business and have been in there almost 18 months. The lease states a start date and then goes on goes to say it continues on a year to year basis until the tenant or landlord terminates.


    Today the landlord served me notice and wants me out by sept 14th the lease does have what I believe is called a break clause which is worded as this

    10.Upon 1 months notice , the landlord may terminate the tenancy under this lease without cause or reason.

    It also offers this option to the tenant in section 11.


    I'd like to understand my rights as far as this goes 1 month is no time at all to find another place and shift my stuff, I'd like to stay if possible as I have spent quite a bit of money on the place.


    Just to clarify I have not breached any conditions and rent is up to date.



  9. quite correct




    did you get the money back via the DD guarantee with your bank?




    as for bennets




    tell them firmly that you cancelled the insurance in writing on DD/MM/YYYY




    the dca wont have any legal powers so stuff 'em.




    check your credit to see if its been trashed too.








    No that's my next step I guess, I had almost written the money off and put it down to my own stupidity in expecting them to not take any money but today's call has convinced me otherwise. While I was on the phone I asked if they could have lost the correspondence and the girl said they NEVER lose post:)

  10. I have a motorbike which has been insured by Bennets since 2009 however


    due to lack of use last year I decided to wrap it up and leave it in the garage (not ridden since last summer) So


    when my new policy came through at the end of August I sent the certificate back with a covering note

    explaining I didn't wish to take out the policy as I understood that was what was required.


    At the end of Nov I noticed Bennetts were still taking money from my account so


    I stopped the d/d, it wasn't a huge amount £21 a month,


    since I stopped the d/d they have been chasing me for the money and now are threatening to pass the matter on to a debt collection agency.


    When I noticed the d/d was still going out I sent a letter asking what they were doing,

    I have had no reply to that but today have spoken to them and


    they claim they have no record of that letter or the return of the cert.


    I realise I may have little recourse as I have chosen not to find alternative insurance

    and just moth ball the bike but feel that I am not in the wrong

    and if anything they owe me money as I feel I did what was required.

    I am more than happy to stand my ground and fight them but would welcome any advice.

  11. Hi, bit of an update.


    Last sat I received a rather nice letter from Sharp Young and Pearce and attached to it was a Notice of Discontinuance.....

    . which was nice.




    'A commercial decision has been taken in respect of this matter and this decision is taken with no admissions as to liability and no concessions,

    particularly in relation to your defence'..

    ..... err ok...I think.


    I have to wait for a sealed copy to arrive from the court and then the matter will be closed.


    Thanks really must go to this site and the members on it who have helped,


    thank you guys.

  12. As I understand it my main defence is that I believe this debt is statute barred and despite requesting it no information has been forthcoming so what paper work should I be looking to submit. I have all the CCJ requests and account in dispute letters I have sent out over the years but from what I have read elsewhere am I right in thinking I should keep these to myself for now?

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