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vijay anand

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  1. Yes Sofa Specialists at Droitwich are bunch of bullying people. I was told by salesman that it is Gucci sofa made of crocodile leather. When I pointed next time on delivery date about mentioning Gucci then he refused staright away and started shouting and used Abusive words. They refused accepting my recorded delivery letter at their head office. I will take them to court and have asked Credit card company to refund my amount under section 75 of Sales Good act.
  2. I think you should immediately report to Fair Trading Officer Linda McCoy at Worcestershire. Her Phone Number is 01905765371 . These people should not be allowed to do Business. I have already made compalint but they need more complaint before they can do something for them. Vijay
  3. You can write to Linda McCoy Fair Trading Officer at Worcestershire. Her Phone Number is 01905765371 .She is awaiting 3-4 more complaints before she can take strict action against them. Hope this is helpful. vijay
  4. You can write to Linda McCoy Fair Trading Officer at Worcestershire. Her Phone Number is 01905765371 . She is awaiting 3-4 more complaints before she can take strict action against them. Hope this is helpful. vijay
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