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Everything posted by rankore

  1. Bump, should I rewrite the letter and just ask for a reduced payment plan?
  2. So why do the CCCA need to see the budget? From what i've read this is what they send to the card companies and the letter I used was a template letter from this site that says in it "attached is my budget". Also Don't have PPI as I never thought it was a good idea on any account. For unlawful charges there are none, interest isn't unlawful.
  3. I have 4 credit cards all of which I have asked for a CCA. 2 came back with my signature and a full list of terms etc. 2 sent terms but no signature. My plan is to keep the 2 cards paying min payments that replied with the cca and sig. These cards have low interest and never seem to have hiked it (Cap 1). The other 2 Virgin and Abby did not send a signature and Virgin (MBNA) especially seem to drive up my interest rate. My latest letters to Virgin and Abby are explaining there is no legible CCA and to stop interest/charges along with reducing my minimum payment to £10 per month. I have attached 2 documents in the letter which are "you have not sent a legible cca so the account can be classed as non enforceable" and a budget sheet of which I have £80 spare each month (would it be best to be lower as I can add my tax as I'm self employed, clothes and social life). Am I doing the right thing?
  4. I am looking at sending the account in dispute after not sending a legible signature template letter in the downloads section. The other 3 i'll send the letter that stats as you have not sent anything back the account is now in dispute. I think they both mention the CPUTR 2008 but don't go into as much detail as the one one page 5 on this thread (which a few people have said is crap anyway). Although after I have sent these letters I would like to ask for a f&f and wondered if anyone has a good template letter for this?
  5. After 1 cca has no signature and 3 other credit cards have not sent anything (even though the cheques have cleared) is this my next letter?: A possible letter sent when an 'agreement/application' is received and is questionable.. Address Date Dear sir/madam Thank you for your response to my request under the Consumer Credit Act section 78. In your response you confirm this as a true copy of the original agreement executed by yourselves on the XXXXX. As you must realise this agreement does not conform to sections 60(1) and 61(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and would therefore only be enforceable by a court under s65. However, the absence of any (prescribed terms / signature icon) means that a court would be prevented from enforcing it under s127(3). I am granting to you a further 21 days to produce a copy of an executable agreement. After that I will consider that the above account is closed and that you will no longer pursue the alleged debt. After this period you should close the file and cease processing an personal data icon relating to me on this matter. Yours faithfully
  6. So MBNA have sent me a cca covering letter that says attached was the excuted agreement that I had signed, but guess what, no signature!
  7. My head is spinning! Ok, i'm self employed and the last 3 months has made my life hell with debts. I have 4 credit cards all of which I have sent a cca letter to. It has been 14 days and not 1 of them has got back to me. The cca letters were sent recorded and only 2 of the cheques (£1) have been cashed. I have never been late with a payment but as of today all 4 of my direct debit payments to them have been cancelled. I can no longer afford to pay £100 interest while paying off £10 of the balance My question is what to do next. If they do not respond to the cca request or cannot provide one should I get a f&f settlement or tell them to bugger off becuase the debt is not enforcable. If I do get a cca should I ask for a f&f settlement straight away? I do not want to wait until I get all of the threatening letters and phone calls I would rather sort it now. Also I couldn't give 2 sh*ts about writing off the debt and being labeled as "the guy that got credit and never paid it back". They have had more than enough interest off me to cover all of my debts. I also don't want my credit rating messed up if I can help it becuase we may need to remortgage.
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