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Everything posted by courtaction

  1. It was an article on my blog. It mentioned them by name , yes It spells out how to not pay interest and other tactics that can be found anywhere on the web really They sent a 5 page letter on why I need to take it down and the reasons why lol
  2. I have just received a letter from lawyers representing Quickquid asking me to take down an article off my blog, for showing people how to get out of paying their payday loans or at least stop the bullying and be put on a sensible repayment plan with no interest charges.... Amusing
  3. OK..so Carcraft are saying the transaction for the car took place on oct 2003, over 7yrs ago and as a result are citing statute barred on debt. However the car was sold after 14th jan 2005, which was the jurisdiction date set by FOS. SO over 2yrs. It was missold and have fos questionnaire all filled in. They have stated at end of letter, that they are unable to investigate further for the reasons of statute barred. I have a tel number and the name of the woman who wrote the letter. So I could reply with all the facts, which she could hardly deny. Hand over to fos, or small claims (which will take preperation)
  4. thanks for that! will throw that at them as well, more than happt to go to small claims/threaten them with
  5. HI Car finance from 2004 when transaction took place, missold ppi. Sent questionnaire to Carcraft, they have come back stating it is more than 6yrs old and it is statue barred.... Is this the end, is there anything I can do? or are they right and thats the end of that? Thanks
  6. thanks, I think your right N245 is best offer, am sure the court will decide fair payment scheme based on circumstances
  7. Top of form says 'Judgement for Claiment (in default)' body of letter explains the propsed repayment plan. Small numbers at bottom read 110221 1999D696.P THanks
  8. Apologies if wrong place.... I owe someone money, I intend to pay everything was fine, until I lost my job and eventually ended on Jobseekers. The person was fine with my proposed (verbally) payment arrangement. Now he has got impatient, entered a jugdment and wants £500 every 2 weeks to payoff the £2000. I have a letter today saying Judgment has been served. My question is what are my options. Shall I find a form that stats im on jobseekers and happy to pay back at a lower amount Or just a form saying the proposed repayment plan is too much? Thanks for Reading!
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