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Debtfree bod!

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Everything posted by Debtfree bod!

  1. Hello all Im a private tenant, moved in to current address in Oct 2010. Been recieving lots of post for previous tenant and i've just sent them back as 'addressee moved/no longer at this address' I've suspected for ages its letters chasing bills, but haven't opened the post as its illegal! However after yet another letter recieved today I opened it, and I've now frightened myself silly! its from Equita, and states its a final demand, and to take formal notice, warrant of execution for outstanding penalty notice(?). It says they called recently and was unable to meet with the debtor, so will be in the area again in the next 7 days. I ve called Equita, and they have told me to send a bill to their head office as proof. Now is that fair? i have to pay to post proof to them? I am fully registered on the voters council list thing (cant remember what its called!) so any digging by these companies will see I live here. Also what if they call round before they even recieve/action my letter? Also had I not opened the letter I would be non the wiser, legally can they really come in/force entry? Any advice appreciated Thanks
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