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Posts posted by mikeregan

  1. Great news, I have just spoken to the court clerk and she confirmed that they had received the request to suspend the eviction from gpb, and that the eviction tomorrow would not go ahead.


    I asked if they would be giving me a notice of suspension of a copy of the letter from gpb to them and she said no, she advised that the e-mailled letter from gpb to me would be sufficient in the unlikely event that the bailiff turned up to evict me tomorrow morning.


    Should I try and call the court bailiff direct to make sure he has cancelled my eviction ?



    Many thanks for all your help, I finally feel like I can begin to get my life back on track :-)

  2. I have just received the letter by e-mail from gbp which says :-


    'we refer to the above matter and the notice of appointment for execution of Warrant for Possession on 17th February 2011 at 9.40am and confirm that we have written to the Court requesting that the warrant be suspended on the basis that you have brought the account up to date by way of a card payment of £1,400 and agreed to discharge the outstanding balance being the sum of £3442.80 by way of instalments of £200 per month.


    Please note that should any payment be late or missed, then the balance outstanding will become due immediately together with fees that have been incurred of approximately £1300 together with any further legal fees and costs which may arise as a result of the re-issue of the Warrant for Possession.



    I have tried ringing the court to see whether they have received the request to suspend the notice, but it is constantly busy.





    1. Is the letter sufficient, in particular the wording 'requesting the warrant to be suspended' ......

    2. Is it more important to make sure the court have received the request from gbp ? Do the court/judge need to consider the request before they grant suspension ?

    3. If the court do not answer the phone, should i go to the court to confirm that they have granted the suspension. Will they give me a notice of suspension ?

    4. Will the letter I have be sufficient of the bailiffs turns up tomorrow ?



    thank-you for all your help, kind regards

  3. I have just spoken to the solicitor and she said that she was finishing the letters confirming our payment agreement, and the request to the court to suspend the eviction. she said that these would be e-mailled to me and faxed to the court in the next half hour.


    The court is over an hour away from me, should i still file the n244 and make my way to the court just in case, should i ask for a notice of suspension if they confirm receipt of the fax just in case the bailiffs turns up tomorrow.


    It might seem a bit distrusting of me but when i spoke to the solicitor today she said she was going to contact the court by this morning and given i came off the phone to them at just after three yesterday afternoon i would have thought they would contact the court immediately to suspend the notice.

  4. After nearly two and a half hours I eventually managed to speak to the court, the bailiff was out so I had to speak to a court clerk?, she advised that she had not received a fax or anything in the post from gbp. I asked whether the court bailiff would be back today, and she seemed to think it was unlikely. The clerk said that i should contact gbp and ask them to fax confirmation that they wish to suspend the eviction.


    I have not received the e-mail that gbp said they would send.


    When I made the arrears payment to gbp yesterday they gave me a reference number confirming that the payment has been authorised. I have checked my bank account this morning and the transaction is not yet shown on my statement but the balance available balance on my account reflects the payment to gbp .


    I called my bank who said that they can't provide me with a receipt for the transaction as the process is 'split' into two parts, the approval stage where my bank confirms the funds are authorised (which has occurred), and the second stage where the recipients bank has seven days to present the 'transaction / cheque' to my bank who then automatically release the payment. My bank says the second stage hasn't happened yet which is why it doesn't show up on my account or they cannot issue my with a receipt.


    I am going to call gpb now, but should go to court and present the n244 in case gpb do not do what they said they are going to do ? I am especially concerned as it looks like the court bailiff is not back until tomorrow morning, and my eviction is currently due to take place at 9.40 am tomorrow.


    If gbp do fax the request to stop the eviction, should i go to the court to obtain a suspension of eviction notice just in case the bailiffs turn up tomorrow ?

  5. What happens if i get to the court and they can't/don't hold an emergency hearing tomorrow or before the eviction date, does the eviction get put on hold until the hearing is held ?


    Also, if the worst happens and the judge does not grant me a suspension of the eviction, or does not give me extra time to pay the full amount (£4862), what if anything do i do, can i appeal, do i say that i am able to borrow the money to pay in full ? can i appeal after the eviction date, or appeal to higher court ie:the high court ?


    Sorry, but just trying to anticipate what i can do if the eviction isn't heard tomorrow or if it goes against me

  6. Hi Ell-enn,


    Thank-you !


    Do I need to include copies of the letters i wrote to Blake Lapthorn and GBP within the n244 ?


    Do I still submit the N44 even if i receive the letter from GBP confirming the agreement we came to today, and if the court bailiff confirms that he has been requested to suspend the eviction when i call them tomorrow morning ?


    Apologies if i am naive, but i am out of my depth with this.

  7. I paid £1400 this afternoon (which include the arrears and march 2011) by visa debit card, and then set-up a direct debit with them for £200 per month to start in April. they gave me a reference number for the card payment, and told me that they would send me confirmation that the direct debit had been set-up.


    She said that she would e-mail me confirmation of the agreement tomorrow, I asked whether i needed to do anything else and she said that she would contact the court tomorrow to request for the eviction to be suspended on the provision that i maintain my monthly payments.


    I must admit i felt a little uncomfortable when she said i didn't need to do anything else. should i include the letter in the n244 notice, what do i do if she doesn't send the letter.


    Ell-enn - do i need to change the wording on the n244 you did for me ?


    Once again i can't thank you enough !

  8. Ell-enn, you truly are a sanity saver ! !


    I have just come off the phone from gbp, and hopefully I have good news.


    It truly does seem to be luck of the draw when you call these people, on my previous attempts i spoke to the collections dept who demanded that i settle the account in full to stop the eviction.


    Today, i spoke to a different lady in collections and explained i just wanted to resolve this matter, fortunately she said that she would put me through to the fee earner (solicitor) dealing with my account. I asked the solicitor if she would let me give her a brief history of my situation (it seems to be soo much easier to do that on the phone, most likely because Ell-enn provided with some renewed hope).


    After hearing my story and my proposal to pay £1400 now and set-up a dd for £200/month for the remainder, she said that she would write to the court and request them to suspend the eviction notice, she said that she would call the court tomorrow, and e-mail me a copy of the agreement we made. I asked whether i needed to do anything else, like speak to the court or the bailiff, but she advised me that i didn't need to do anything.


    My question is, do i need to still complete a n244 form call the court bailiff or court, or do anything else ?


    I am just worried that wednesday i get home to find my locks changed

  9. Just read your last post Ell-enn, it is unlikely that i can get the documents printed and get to the court by 3.45 as it is about an hour away, but can definitely get down there for first thing tomorrow.


    When you talk about the outstanding balance being paid in line 3 of your message, are you talking about the arrears of £1400, or the total amount outstanding £4862 ?



    once again, thank-you for all your help, i have felt v isolated and out of my depth, i feel better knowing that i am talking to someone who knows what there are talking about

  10. The reason why i didn't want to borrow the remaining money from family is that it will leave my with practically no money for the next few months, and if i was able to pay the 200 per month i would be ok and wouldn't have to put myself in debt with my family.


    If it is a case that i will lose my house if i don't pay the full £4862, then i will pay the full amount.


    Also i was hoping that i had a case for putting the original judgement aside given that it was secured because they sent the summons to an address that i hadn't lived at for 6 years, and that not being able to provide the origal signed copy of the credit agreement would most likely result in the court overturning the original judgement.

  11. There was two original claims for which i believe two judgements were served. I have never seen a copy of the original court summons in 2004, or the judgement.



    The claim form (CPR Part 8) included in the application for possession order in 2009 has one claim number, but the particulars of the claim lists / refers to the the two judgements separately 1.1 being the "first judgement" and a unique claim number and 1.2 referring to the "second judgement" with a different claim number both obtained on 20 may 2004 in northampton county court

  12. I have just re-read my blog and there are a couple of details that I missed, not sure if these are relevant.


    i. On the 'General Form of Judgement or Order' in respect of my application to set aside the original judgement on 13 Nov 2009 it states ' it is ordered that

    1. Application of the defendant dismissed.

    2. permission to appeal refused there being no grounds for appeal.


    This is despite him saying any appeal should be made to the court where the original judgement was served, and that he robustly advised me not to appeal as i would be liable for all costs.


    ii. When i received the letters from GBP solicitors in August and Sept 2010 to say they were now dealing with the case, after not hearing from Blake Lapthorn (the original solicitors acting for the claimant) I wrote to GBP in Sept 2010 that i had not received any confirmation from either blake lapthorn (BL) or the claimant HLCF that GBP were now handling this matter. I also pointed out that the two change of notices I received with their letter quoted the same case ref (the judgement relates to two case nos), and questioned the amount that they claimed was o/s as the two covering letters issued with the change notices stated i owed £5042.80 and £1552.15 respectively which was more than the original judgement, despite me already making payment of £1200 to date. I also informed that my employment situation had changed, and that following confirmation from BL or HLCF that they were now dealing with this case, that i would be hoping to discuss a more managable repayment plan. I did not receive a response to this letter from GBP.


    iii. I have a son who is 17 who stays with me once a week, is this taken into consideration by the judge ?

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