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Posts posted by Pickles18

  1. Hello dx100uk - yes - it was ineffective from day one but I waited a while as I thought it may take time for the medicine to get into my dog’s bloodstream.  

    They have now said they will speak to Seresto and try to put me into direct contact with them. I’ve explained that I do not want to contact Seresto directly as I did not buy the collar from them and Viovet are responsible for issuing me with a full refund for faulty goods. I’m waiting to hear back. 

    Thank you for your help - have a lovely evening :) 

  2. Hello, 


    Wondering if anyone can help me.


    I bought 2 Seresto Collars for my 2 dogs. One works just fine and the other one isn't effective at all. I bought them from Viovet.co.uk and after 2 months of emailing they are still refusing to refund me or replace the faulty collar. 


    They keep asking me questions about whether it was fitted properly and whether my house has a flea infestation which they send directly to Seresto and then send me their repsonse. 


    One of the collars works and one doesn't and both my dogs live in the same house so it obviously isn't an environmental issue. Also I bought the collar from them so I think they ought to refund me for or replace the faulty collar. 


    Any suggestions that anyone can offer to get this resolved would be very gratefully received.


    Thank you all :) 

  3. Hey dx,


    I concur - I do indeed need to get myself up to speed. I'm a dear girl btw :)


    I've never deferred the loan - I've never even been contacted regarding it until today.


    I've never heard from anyone or talked to anyone regarding it in 22 years.


    As I've said - I contacted the SLA sat least 20 times 22 years ago & they couldn't find my "account".


    I'm surprised to even hear about it after all this time.


    Are they trying it?


    :) xx


    Just to be clear did - I've never had any contact from them before today. So there ha,s been no contact from me whatsoever

  4. Hi,


    Any advice help you guys can give would be greatly appreciated :)


    I had a student loan for £1,500 back in 1994 - when I finished Uni & started working I contacted the student loan company at least 20 times both via telephone & letter as I was worried that if I didn't start to repay they would want a big lump sum at a time when I couldn't afford to pay.


    I was told over the phone everytime I called that I wasn't in "the system" and to call back and they would try to locate my account. This went on for months & in the end the advisor on the phone asked me to write in with all my details & they would contact me once they had found my details, so I did.


    I never heard a word and have always been in the electoral register so easy to find.


    Today - I've arrived home from work to find 2 letters - both from DCA's. The first says they've passed my account on to a second one and the second one is asking me to start making repayments on a debt of over £5K.


    Whilst I'm not averse to paying the original £1.5k loan back - I'm not going to pay for interest since they haven't bothered to contact me in 22 years.


    Is this debt stature barred by now?


    My feeling is to just ignore them but any advice it help you guys can give would be greatly appreciated.


    Thanks :)

  5. Hello,


    I was wondering if anyone knows if I can find a written statement anywhere that states that as a consumer, under UK law, I have a right to shop around for the best deal on goods and services.


    I have spent a couple of hours looking around online but cannot find a statement like this anywhere.


    Any help anyone can give would be very much appreciated :)


    Thanks in advance.



  6. First of all you do not have to let them have viewings at anytime if you don't want them to, even if they give you the required notice.

    So suggest you do it to suit you, say once a week at a time that is convenient.

    NEVER let anybody in if you are not there. If they have keys, change the locks.


    Hello, Thank you for your response. I didn't realise I don't have to allow viewings at all - do you know if that is legally the case? Also - I am not allowed to change the locks as a condition of my tenancy so I can't do that and tbh I don't mind them coming in during the week whilst I'm at work as it means I don't have to be distrubed in the evenings when I am at home. I don't want to be obstuctive becasue I know my landlord really needs to sell to buy the property he currently rents but I think it is unfair that I am being disturbed all the time and still paying full rent. Do you think I should request a rent reduction as this has been going on for over 2 months now - I often have friends stay at the weekend so would prefer not to do viewings at all at the weekend - am I within my rights to not allow them to unless I get a reduction in rent? The problem is I am afriad to ask for a rent reduction in case they give me notice to leave but then I suppose they are not likely to be able to rent it out again whilst it's in the process of being sold so I guess they would lose out on a rental income altogether if they did that. At the moment it seems I am doing all the work and being constantly disadvanatged whereas my landlord isn't being inconvenienced in any way and this doesn't seem at all fair to me. Kind regards, Pickles18

  7. Hello,


    I wonder if anyone has had a similar experience with being constantly disturbed by viewings in a rental property and can help in telling me the best way to deal with them.


    My landlord is selling the flat I live in and as I am in the process of buying a property I can't move out as I would have to sign into another minimum 6 month contract elsewhere which isn't practical.


    The property has been on the market for over 2 months now and he has it on with 2 different agents. They booked 3 viewings at 10.45am, 12.45pm and 3.15pm last Saturday and so I was disturbed 3 times. As I don't want this to happen again I have now asked that 1 agent does a block viewing between 1pm and 1.30pm and the other agent does from 1.30pm to 2pm. Both agents have agreed to this but to be honest I wasn't expecting the viewings to go on for this long and I think the flat is over-priced in the market which is why they aren't getting any offers after all the viewings they have done. This means I will continue to be disturbed every weekend for an hour for the foreseeable future.


    I text my Landlord last Friday to ask if he thought it was fair that I was to be disturbed 3 times on a Saturday - my weekend and the only time I have to relax and he completely ignored me.


    They also do viewings in the week and usually email in the morning to say thy have a viewing that day and as I am at work I tell them it's fine and to go ahead.


    I am working from home today and have just had an email at 12.30pm from one of the agents saying he is coming at 3pm today to do a viewing. I have checked my tenancy agreement and it says I have to have 48 hours notice for someone to gain entry to my flat yet I am allowing them to do the viewing so as not to be obstructive. I was also working from home last Friday and exactly the same thing happened.


    As I am being constantly disturbed in my home and not enjoying peaceful enjoyment of it - do you think I am entitled to ask for a rent reduction? I pay a lot of rent to live here and resent doing so now that it is being invaded on a daily basis.


    Any help or advice you can give would be very much appreciated as I am going to write to my landlord to tell him I am unhappy with the current situation and paying full rent. This could go on for months and I have been extremely accommodating so far - even changing plans 3 times to meet with agents for them to measure up and take photos - which really isn't my responsibility but the landlord's. He doesn't seem to appreciate it - rather I feel he is taking advantage of my good nature now and am very fed up with the whole situation.


    Thank you in advance for any help or advice you can give :)



  8. I think that you should find out the cost of a lighter mattress - as long as it is acceptable to you - and then we can work out what the options are.

    Do that can come back here




    Thank you for your email.


    Dreams have now supplied me with a lighter mattress and refunded me the difference in cost between the mattresses - so all has been resolved to my satisfaction.


    They have just fitted new pistons - which I'm hoping will now last - if they don't I am going to have to return the bed as it's a real pain not being able to get into the things I store under the bed every time the pistons go.


    Kind regards,



  9. Hi,


    Thanks for your input :)


    The bedstead cost me £599 and they have offered me an alternative which costs £499. I don't know the cost of a replacement lighter mattress but I paid £600 for the mattress I currently have. They have refused to give me a lighter mattress on the grounds that it isn't faulty but I am in agreement with you that the bed was sold to me as a whole unit and would like to know if I legally have a right to request a refund on the whole bed as it is not fit for purpose?


    The bed has a 10 year warranty.


    Lol - why do you not like the sound of my bedroom - it's beautiful :)

  10. Hello All,


    I wonder if you can help.


    I bought a bed from Dreams 2 years ago. It's an ottoman style bed and the pistons have failed twice in the past. The second time they failed Dreams sent an independent assessor to see if the bed was faulty and he told me the mattress I had been sold was too heavy for the pistons and that's why they kept failing. He said that as I had been sent the regular pistons by Dreams for him to fit he would fit them that day but that if they failed again to ask for the heavy duty pistons which would be better and last.


    The pistons failed again last month (December 2012) and I contacted Dreams - to cut a long story short they are saying they don't have any heavy duty pistons for that bed but have offered me a replacement bed of a different style - I would have accepted that however they do not have an alternative style in brown leather - only black leather and cream leather - which will not go with the brown leather bedroom chair I have bought.


    I asked if they could replace just the mattress for a lighter one as this may solve they issue but they have refused and said that the mattress isn't faulty so they are not obliged to exchange it.


    My arguement is that the mattress is too heavy for the bedstead and I don't want to take a different colour bedstead but they are insisting that is all they will offer me.


    Has anyone had similar problems with Dreams or can anyone please advise me how to proceed. Ideally I would just like a refund ( I paid £1,200 for the bedstead and mattress) and then I can buy something suitable elsewhere as they don't have any brown leather bedsteads to replace this one.


    Thank you in advance for any help/advice you can give me :)



  11. Hi caledfwlch,


    Thanks so much - I see what you mean.


    I have already responded to her email to refute her claim that she lent me £2k to buy an MX5. It is obvious from what she has said that she doesn't even remember the sequence of events of 16 years ago whereas I remember them very clearly - should she decide to make a claim I will tell the Judge exactly what happened and let them decide whether it is fair or just or within the law to buy a gift for someone and then decide to ask for the money out of the blue and then refuse the money when offered it and then decide to ask for it 16 years later! It seems crazy to me for sure.


    I do not feel I owe her any money and am saddened that she has decided to try this just because she knows I have managed to save a bit of money but I will need to put my emotions to one side and deal in facts to defend myself.


    Should she go ahead with this I can just respond myself can I? As in I won't need to get a solicitor to act on my behalf?


    Thank you for all your help with this - your words have reassured me and I feel a bit better about the situation now.



  12. Surely the statute of Limitation ends 6 years after last payment/written admittance of monies owed, since the OP has never made a payment, then its been statute barred for 10 years :D


    I would think attempting to claim money via court on a 16 year old event with no written contract would be very, very hard, but I do think Limitation would apply anyway.


    Given the age, I would think the OP's mother would be hard pushed to even prove she had paid the 2 grand in the first place. (though not impossible)


    Hi caledfwlch,


    Thank you for your post - can she actually even make a claim in the small court after all this time?


    She may be able to prove that she purchased a car on her debit card but she put the car in my name and as I said only said she wanted the money back for the car when we had a falling out. I seriously cannot believe she is doing this after all this time and would just like to know where I stand legally. I would like to be able to respond to her by saying that had she really wanted the money she should have taken the cheque I offered her all that time ago or indeed raised the issue with me before now and that it is statute barred now anyway.


    This is very upsetting to me - she has bought my siblings cars over the years and hasn't asked any of them for the money back. She knows I have some savings as I am saving to buy a flat - I think she is only threatening me with this as she is trying to bully me into handing over £2k.



  13. I don't think the courts will look kindly on being used as a forum for what would normally be kept between family members. Although it looks like her demand for money is on fairly shaky ground, I think some effort should be at arbitration first. If that fails and she still wants to take her own daughter to court for the sake of two grand, then so be it, but at least you'll have tried as hard as you reasonably can to prevent such an escalation.


    In formal arbitration, you would both try to come to a friendly solution in full knowledge of the relevant facts, with your own advisors present if necessary.


    Thank you Marmaris,


    I don't know how to go about arbitration - do you know how that works?


    I think I should respond to her email in saying that she never lent me £2k to buy the Mazda MX5 as she did not and see what she responds with - would you agree?



  14. Thank you agin.


    Having just re read the email she sent me she has written the following:


    "Surely, it was good enough for you to have had use of it when you needed it and the fact that I said you could put it in a savings vehicle to gain interest until I requested its repayment (when I really needed it, as I now do"


    I am not sure but think she may inferring that she said this to me the day I handed her the cheque - she said no such thing! Indeed it has never been mentioned again - I discussed buying my MX5 with her a couple of years later and would have thought if she felt she was owed any money from me she would have asked for it then. She knew I was using my savings and getting a bank loan to buy the MX5.


    Would your advice be to still ask her why she didn't accept the cheque when it was offered? Surely that is me accepting there was an agreement to pay her back when in fact there was not - I just wanted to give her the money and get her out of my life.



  15. Hello,


    Thank you for your advice.


    There was never any agreement that I would pay her back for the car she bought - it was her idea to buy it. I was shocked all those years ago that she demanded the money back and made it clear at the time that she was not owed the money and was being unreasonable - in fact just being nasty as we had had a falling out. I handed her the cheque in disgust and she refused to take it and she has never mentioned it again over the years. There was no verbal or written agreement that it was a loan.


    Would you advise me to respond to her email saying that her demand for £2k is statute barred and that the car she bought wasn't a Mazda MX5 but a Volvo and it was bought as a gift?


    Can she actually take this to small claims court?



  16. Hi,


    I wonder if anyone can give me any advice please.


    My mother bought me a gift of a car for £2k 16 years ago when I was 23. There was never any talk of paying the money back but about a year later when I sent her a cheque for some money I did owe her (after we had had a falling out) she rang me and said I owed her the £2k as well. I knew I didn't and said so but next time I saw her (she came to visit my aunt in the house where I lived) I handed her a cheque for £2k with the statement that though the car was a gift I was giving her the money and she was not to contact me again. She told me she didn't want the money and to "keep it in my account". She refused to take the cheque and so I walked out of the room and ripped it up. We didn't talk for some time but eventually reconciled. She never mentioned it again.


    A week ago she text me to say she was having difficulties and wanted the £2k she "lent" me to buy an MX5 (it was actually a Volvo that she bought me as a gift so I have no idea why she is referring to a Mazda MX5 I bought a couple of years later myself - I saved up for it and got a bank loan to pay for it). I felt it was ridiculous and didn't respond.


    Today I have come into work to find an email from her saying she is making a formal demand for the £2k she lent me for the MX5 and if I don't pay it within 14 days she will make a claim through the small claims court! I am in shock and cannot believe this as well as being extremely upset. The Volvo was a gift, she bought it for me when I was at University and in fact it was her idea to buy the car - not mine. I was a student at the time and wouldn't have bought a car as wasn't working. It is worth mentioning that in the text she sent me she said she would be in a position to give me the money back next year when she sells her house - she isn't making much sense I'm afraid but I really need to know where I satnd legally on this as she is a stubborn and vindictive person and will definitely pursue this if she is able to.


    Can anyone please advise me how to respond to this email?


    Thank you for your help in advance - this is a horrible situation and I really could do with some help with it.



  17. Hey everyone,


    I have received a letter back from UK Search today stating.


    "Your letter refers the debt is statute barred but the debt is with the 6 year period.


    The period the debt is for is as follows:


    Prior to Arpil 2007 £147.15

    April 2007 - March 2008 £130.93


    We will accept payment blah blah blah"


    They have completely ignored the section I wrote about having moved out of the property in Nov 2004 and any debt prior to that is statute barred and any debt since that time I am not liable for.


    What should I do next I am really fed up with these muppets now!



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