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  1. Thanks 42man. Recorded letter sent this morning.
  2. Hi everyone, I am a newbie to CAG, but have a problem that I need help with. My son paid a cheque into his Abbey bank a/c about 4 years ago to help a friend out. He went back some days later and they paid him the cash based on the cheque having cleared (presumably). They then said it was dodgy and asked for the cash back, but unfortunately his "friend" had gone travelling. There was some to and fro ing but then Abbey went quiet. Before last Christmas he was contacted by telephone by a bully-boy DCA called Link Financial Outsourcing Ltd threatening dire consequences, etc, etc. I advised him to ignore it and ask for written proof, but he became scared and caved in under their pressure and sent them £50 as they said he could pay monthly - the total being asked is £6,400 on a £5,000 original sum. He is unemployed and on job-seekers. Unfortunately this has pushed him over the edge and in mid January he was sectioned into a mental ward. He is still there but coming out temporarily soon, however these people called to ask why he did not send another £50 and completely bereft of any feeling, coldly asked "well, who is looking after his payments then?" Can anyone suggest where we go from here as he appears to have accepted the debt, but not when in a proper frame of mind. Thanks to all in advance.
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