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  1. Old -codja and wriggler 7 i have sent you both a PM. i really hope you dont mind.
  2. again thanks for you comments. I am currently liasing with a trusted work colleague on how we can approach my place of work with all this. I am playing with the idea of actually sending the above to the prosecuters office?? or will that do more harm than good, probably more harm come to think of it. i do apologise my mind is all over the place
  3. Thanks for your message.. i currently work within ICT. I was hoping not to let my employers know as they are going through a major job re-structuring and it MIGHT cost me my job. At the time of the incident i was under some financial pressure, work were continually on my back as i was always arriving late due to the fact the underground was always playing up. my journeys instead of 1.5 hours each was were taking closer to 2 - 2.5 hours due to late running trains signal failure etc etc. I was completley stressed out not an excuse i know... To give you an example even now take last thursday for instance It took me nearly 5 hours to get home due to signal failure it just started to get on top of me i guess i know its not an excuse i am just being honest. Since the incident i have been a nervous wreck if i am completley honest i feel like people are watching me. I have never done anything like this before or will do again i hate it. I honestly feel all alone my wife has been of some support but she is also in a lot of pain so i am stressed about her. When the inspector took me to one side we chatted and he never even offered me to pay the penalty charge as i had unfinished journeys on my card, His exact word to me were sorry in this case but i am choosing to be brutal towards you, after the interview he saw my mental state he commented that i will probably only get a warning as i was so co-operative i think he only said that to make a bit easier. I told him at the time im wasnt going to lie to him and each question he asked i gave an honest and truthful answer. i take the underground as it is the cheaper option for me £60 a week instead of £105 week to take an overground service. the journey each was is £6 so why on the court summons do they say the single journey fare is £7 ? I was completley honest with the RPI inspector and he also said he would note how co-operative i was but he didnt, im not angry he was probably just trying to keep me calm as i was all over the place. I know what i did was completley wrong and unjustified and i have had to live with my guilt since the incident took place, i have offered to cover the journey plus costs i am willing to try anything to avoid court action all because I AM SCARED of mentioning it to my job. I really can’t live with myself at the moment my enthusiasium even for my kids have disappeared because of the worry that i am finding with all of this. I’m actually the kind of person that gives his seat up to an elderly person, a pregnant person etc. When I find mobile phone I hand it in. there was even an instance in the oyster machine I found £8 ish I think was someones change I passed it to the ticket office. I am not a dishonest person may sounds like closing the door after the horse has bolted but im not it was a genuine genuine mistake which really upsets me at the level of stupidity. sincere apologies for the above but i have NO-ONE else i can talk to about this. I am not trying to escape the fine or the costs i am just trying to preserve my name that is all. so if you have ANY advice what so ever on how i can get through to them i WILL never do it again it will truly help
  4. also another question. in the court summons they also mentioned that the journey fare was £7. the fact is the fare is actually £6. shall i let them know of this also im just getting desperate apologies
  5. HELP i submitted the latter old-codja supplied i editied it and i received the following Thank you for your email dated xxxx, I have read and noted your comments in relation to your pending hearing due to be heard I appreciate your concerns regarding this matter however fare evasion is a widespread problem on the London Underground system and is taken very seriously. The action of Passengers travelling without a valid ticket for their journey is one of the most common offences of fare evasion on London Underground and contributes greatly to the estimated loss of about £22 million in revenue per year. It is our view that the decision to prosecute was taken in line with the London Underground Prosecution Policy, after a full examination of the facts and circumstances surrounding the alleged offence. It states in the policy that the decision to prosecute is only substituted in exceptional circumstances; we are not persuaded in your case that there are any exceptional circumstances. Under the circumstances we reject your offer to settle the matter out of court and London Underground intends to proceed with the matter as listed and I would advise you to submit your plea to the court before this hearing. Any ideas on how i can respond to this ? Help im getting desperate for such a stupid act.
  6. Oldcodja thanks for your useful information.. Why would they need my car registration number and NI Number for?
  7. Many thanks for you letter. i will also take your advice on board it really is informative. one other quick question. with the court cummons they have put a means testing form in. how much of that shall i fill out its asks for things like my NI number, my car registration number and my earnings etc, etc. why would they need all of this information, apologies for the questions, and if i dont fill it all in i will be fined.
  8. I did when i spoke to them. the cost breakdown when it goes to court will be £120 contribution towards costs, victim surcharge (15 i think) and whatever the fine would be. The lady on the phone was very helpful but coulnd give any advice unfortunatley. If they do decide (and i pray they do) not to proceed with court action the minimum i would be expected to pay would be the court costs which are in the region of £300. as mentioned above luckily the lady gave me this information. she gave me the email address i need to use when liasing with them.
  9. Guys firstly apologies for the following statement. I know i have been seriously stupid. I got caught with fare evasion in september, (i had been paying a single journey fare for a return journey due to no barriers either end) for little over a week. due to financaial circumstances. I got stopped at a ticket barrier obviously with a oyster card saying incomplete journeys etc etc, and i got detained. i recieved my letter from tfl in october stating my case which i replyed with a very apologetic letter stating it will never happen again (i was and still am all over the place mentally) i have now recieved my court summons which will be in the next few weeks. i can potentially lose my job over this. i accept i am completley in the wrong and am willing to pay any fine that will cover there expenses incurred. I have phoned them up this morning to try to plead my case but they said to confirm in writing either snail mail or email (email is my preference) how can i try to avoid a criminal record? i was at such a low point when i got caught, i had next to no money, the tube line was constantly running late and i was getting in trouble with my work for my time keeping due to the fact that the trains were always running late (i havent mentioned this in my letter or over the phone as i have read her not to say anything bad about the service they run). now since the "act" my wife has been diagnosed with end stage renal failure and her operation is coming up also. I am in a complete state regarding all of this. any advice is welcome.. apologies for taking up your time as i appreciate all of you are busy
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