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  1. I caught my usual train this morning to Brimingham New Street, but didnt buy a ticket as my friends card would not work and the train arrived (I understand this is not a valid excuse not to have a ticket). My friend who I was travelling with went to one of the other exits and did not get fined when challenged and brought a ticket. However I caught the lift up (which results in being behind the barrier) as well, it was there to be caught. Once on the concourse I turned and rushed left just as they shouted tickets and passes which is when they stopped me. I just thought they was train drivers and didnt even recognise they were there. Once up there they told me I was deliberately avoiding to pay the fare and would face a court summons. The other people in the lift recieved penalty fare notices despite the one turning and rushing right and being stopped, just as I were. I have always brought a ticket when I could and identified that I needed to buy one anyhows due to other journeys, as was my intention which I why I was turning left (to go back into the main station and buy a ticket). Likewise, there was several inspectors to my left and none to my right which would question to why I was turning into trouble. He only asked me three questions (where I travelled from; did I have a ticket; and could I see this is penalty fare evasion). I answered the latter "in this case, I can see why, so yes" due his compelling arguement and signed. I challenged him to why other people who did the same as me only recieved the penalty fare but he declined to respond. I can know kind of see I have signed my own death warrant. So now I have been told I will have a court summons and will recieve a letter in due corse. I have written and complaiend to London Midlands due to the inconsistancies with not having a ticket on exit and with whom gets fined. But what should be my steps and how severe can this get? What is the liklihood of settling this out of court as I od not want anything on my record? Any advice will be very much appreciated. Kind Regards.
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