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Everything posted by irish1990

  1. SRPO There would be a way around them being able to tell I gave them false information though? If I were to ask them to change the address they hold for me....? Change it to my Liverpool address?
  2. Really dont mean to be a pain in the ass, but if I were to go down tomorrow and 'change' my address with them they would HAVE to acknowledge it and update any records they hold of me. Data Protection Act 1998 1) Data may only be used for the specific purposes for which it was collected (so if I was told by the MerseyTravel rail officer that I "would be receiving a warning and nothing would come of it" - if given a fine in the post he mis leaded me into making me give him the information which is against the data protection act) 2) Personal information may be kept for no longer than is necessary and must be kept up to date (so if I were to get in contact with them to change my address to my correct address they would have to acknowledge this) 3) Subjects have the right to have factually incorrect information corrected (see above!)
  3. SRPO Its Northern Ireland (which doesnt help I guess!) Wriggler7 Do you mind if I ask what you mean by that? Thanks for the advice guys, driving me up the wall at the moment Really thinking of just calling into the MerseyTravel HQ tomorrow and asking to change my address to my student accommodation address? I can explain that I dont want my parents seeing any letter... That way they might not be able to catch on that I have provided them a false address? The guys were highly intimidating and I wouldn't trust them for the life of me - it was just an out of the ordinary reaction to give them false information, I couldn't honestly believe what was happening.
  4. SRPO - In the event of having give the 'enforcement officers' a fake name and address would you suggest I own up to it? A. Go to MerseyTravel HQ tomorrow (its across the street from where I live) B. Write them a letter It was an initial panic at the time, I shouldnt have gave them fake information though. There is a 120-year-old bye-law which makes it a criminal offence "to interfere with the comfort or convenience" of fellow passengers which is what (if any) they will try to charge me on. I know it was wrong to put my foot on the seat - but the carriage was empty with no other passengers and it definitely wasn't interfering with the comfort or convenience of ANYBODY with my clean shoes. Ive also read that a spokesperson has stated to the media ""Passengers are informed whenever our security teams are on board their train, and if they choose to continue to behave in an unacceptable manner they will be dealt with accordingly." There was no announcement or warning today on the train. Just an empty carriage with me in it! Just want to get back to enjoying life and forgetting about all this unbelievable nonsense
  5. Im a final year student studying in Liverpool. This morning I was using the MerseyRail service and did something utterly and completely regretful and stupid that’s been bugging me all day. In an empty carriage I put my foot up on the seat - something which I always do subconsciously without thinking about on trains and buses (but after today will not think twice about it again!) Anyway - I was approached by 2 'MerseyRail enforcement officers' who took my name, address, description of what I looked like and read me my rights 'you have the right to remain silent, anything you do say may be given in evidence'. The entire process lasted a good 10 minutes and said i'll be receiving a letter from MerseyRail in the post in 4-8 weeks and could be prosecuted for it. Im training to be a teacher and im going back to America to complete my second summer working at Camp America with children, ive planned a year out in Australia for September 2011 and ive also got a fieldtrip coming up in China within the next 2 months - a LOT of reasons to be genuinely worried about what has happened today. Stupidly, I gave him a name very similar to mine E.G Edwardo Kelly instead of Edward Kelly with my correct surname. Then I have him a proper address and postcode for a house in Ireland (but not my address or postcode). I know providing false information is a criminal offence - but at the time I was 's**ting' myself... all that I could think about was criminal record, criminal record, criminal record = not being a teacher = not going back to Camp America = not going to China = not going to Australia = a large part of my life GONE INTO SMOKE. Part of me knew that these guys were not police officers and I didnt trust them with giving them my details anyway! I know the normal procedure for this 'feet on seat' offence is to issue the offender a £50 fine via post. But what will happen if that letter doesn’t get to my address or be under my correct full name? What happens if they then issue further court summons which i don’t ever receive? Ive got no idea about the entire system - and although i’ve done a stupid thing today out of the ordinary I still cant believe this is happening right now. Ive got tons of university work, teaching paths and travel plans to concentrate on - and who would have thought a simple ride on a train by myself today would have come to all this. Should I get in contact with MerseyRail to give them my full correct details? I really don’t know what position im now in and to say its worrying me is an understatement. Passengers that have a habit of resting a foot on the seat – BE WARNED. I’ve certainly learnt the lesson.
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