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  1. So far as I'm aware the DWP (edited) ALWAYS insist on any correspondence being posted, they won't accept e-mails. Unless another member has had a different experience?
  2. Hello Clacton, I decided to join CAG this morning after reading your comment. I fully understand how you're feeling right now because I've been in the same boat. Do NOT despair, all is not lost. I had the pleasure of a 'medical assessment' with ATOS last February owing to suffering with depression brought on by a succession of traumatic events in my life. My partner accompanied me, and despite being an emotional wreck during the 'interview' I was scored zero points by a person who turned out to be a nurse and not a Doctor. Obviously when I read through my medical report after immediately deciding to appeal I went through a whole range of emotions ranging from rage, despair, fear etc. My appeal was turned down (obviously) so I then opted for a tribunal which took place last November. The Doctor and Judge that I appeared before couldn't have been more sympathetic and awarded me 39 points, a VAST difference. It's high time ATOS were shown up on TV, they are causing so many people unnecessary anxiety. If I can be of any help to you please feel free to PM me and I will help you through this ghastly time.
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