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Fr Andrew Hawthorne

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  1. I am a serving priest in the Church of England and I will publicly state that I am ASHAMED to be a member of a Church that even CONSIDERS using that piece of medieval highway-robbery, Chancel Repair Liability. That is has been used is WICKEDNESS, and has ruined the lives of many people. This is NOT the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Church could probably not have thought of a worse way to alienate the very people it has a sacred mission to serve. My own parish is considering registering its ability to enforce the liability and you may be assured that I will fight it all the way. Legal opinion states that individual churches have a legal right not to enforce liability (see the Diocese of Gloucester's homepage) so the only reason any church would do so is GREED and desperation. If we cannot keep churches up and running without recourse to this, then we deserve to be closed down.
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