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Everything posted by Jetek

  1. Hi, Scare2010, Please can you update me what happenned. I was in the similar situation... Can you *************edited************** Where can I get the letter so I can write to prosecution department. thanks
  2. Hi, I just qualified and knew that it was wrong to use the freedom card but it happened. I am not an expert in this area and just speciliase in corporate law...I consistently paid underground fare in the last 3 years and I had bank statement to prove that. I just used the card once and I got caught... though I had my oyster card, the officer said to me better not to mention that as it would make the case worst. Just admit and I would get the fine. So I just signed and left....
  3. I was caught by Bond Street London Underground 2 weeks ago. I used my friend freedom pass we live together. I admitted my mistake and as the officer told me that not to worry and I will normally get a warning and this is not a criminal offense only civil, so I sign all the notes he wrote down without checking what I have written as I really wanted to get out of the situation. Now I know it was a mistake... Can I settle this out of court or will this circumstance torpedo me to court? I am also a qualified lawyer and travel to US regularly to perform my job and a CR will ruin my life, I will lose my qualification and lost my job and means I will not be able to support my family. I had credit card bank statement to prove that I bought ticket in the last 3 years. I live and work in Zone 1 in London. I spoke to a solicitor he told me that I should act now by contacting them but he will charge me more than £2k... another solicitor told me to wait until I get the letter from London underground.... I am not sure who is right in this case? Can anyone tell me what is best. Do you know who is the lawyer I can use or you might come across someone who you think is good? How much you paid for that? Plese help If I decide to write to London Underground Prosecution Department, do you know the address or number I can I call to contact? Or is it too soon to contact them as I have not got a letter from them yet... Any comments that you can provide to alleviate my concerns and perhaps not lead me to jumping off a cliff? JET
  4. thread created here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?290980-used-freinds-freedom-pass-got-caught-help... Hi, Scared2010, My GF also got caught with her father's freedom card and now she has received a letter from TFL... Could you advise me what is the outcome of your case? How did you deal with this case? Appreciate your help. thanks Jetek
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