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Everything posted by markyra21

  1. hi all, i thought i would give you an update. well i had my case yesterday. wore my best suit and spoke politely had prepared a written statement saying what had happened, pleaded guilty and asked for a conditional discharge and was fortunate enough to get it thansk everyoen for their advice much appreciated
  2. hi all, i thought i would give you an update. well i had my case yesterday. wore my best suit and spoke politely had prepared a written statement saying what had happened, pleaded guilty and asked for a conditional discharge and was fortunate enough to get it thansk everyoen for their advice much appreciated
  3. Thanks that is really useful, in the event that maybe you were able to detail how one of your friends would ask for a discharge, then if you could send that info to EDITED that would be fantastic. As always this info is invaluable and much appreciated Thanks
  4. hi all, thanks for your advice - it is much appreciated. i think the best thing for me to do is pleasd guilty and ask for an absolute discharge. could i ask how this is done and also how you get to speak to the prosecutor prior to your case being heard on the day of the case for one final beg? thanks
  5. Hi there - i got my court summons through this morning. in essence i was caught following someone else through an underground barrier. although there was no intent to do this from the outset of my journey (prior to travelling, i checked my balance on my oyster - £8.50 - and instead of putting it back in my wallet, i put it in my pocket - as such i placed a now redundant wallet without oyster on the yellow pad as i walked through the luggage gate. upon realsing i panicked and made a mistake) my question is whether to plead guilty or not guilty? i have asked to settle out of court many times but to avail - i also rang the prosecutions office thismorning to beg - but again to no avail. is it true you can ask to see somone at the court on the day before your hearing and try to avoid court proceedings? also the person at the prosecutions office said it was a private prosecution and that no detials were passed on any third parties and as such wouldnt be recorded on he CRB database? any advice would be great thanks
  6. thank you all, so on the assumption i am gonig to court. would people recommend a guilty or not guilty plea? obviously it would seem i dont have a leg to stand on but have i anything to lose by pleading not guilty on the basis their was no intent from the outset but instead a moment of panic upon realising my oyster had not been tapped in correctly? if found guilty do you definitely get a criminal record or can a judge pass other punishments such as a bind over or jsut a fine iwithout the record etc?
  7. thanks, will the phone number on the court summons direct me to the same person i have been in correspondance with at the prosecuions office. i am hoping that once the summons comes i will be able to speak to somone else to try and settle outside court as hopefully they will be more forgiving?
  8. hi there any advice from anyone would be great. to cut a long story short i was caught after going through a ticket barrier without a ticket. my PAYG oyster had credit on it but i hadnt tapped in correctly so trying to avoidthe £6 charge i followed someone through the gates - stupid i know. well - ever since i received my letter asking for my side of the story i have been in dialogue (email) with the prosecutions office offering to settle out of court - but no mater how many times i ask - they say they wont and that their is no other way for 'disposal' than a court summons. i am now awaiting this in the post. is therre any chance of me avoiding court and the criminal record? this is my first offence, i answered questions honestly, gave correct details etc. endless begging letters haven't worked is there any hope?
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