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  1. I've been racking my brains theres no way anyone could have used my phone . I've checked the Dialled numbers log on my phone and weirdly enough it starts the day after the last call was made (which was 25th Nov) the log starts at 26th Nov Thanks for all your help, but maybe i am well and truly defeated in this matter....£85 down the drain I can't see a way out
  2. Hi the phone is a Nokia 6700, its nothing flash, so theres no Apps and i don't use it to download anything, occasionally i use the web to see how much minutes i have left that month. i do however use the phone to make 3 way calls to friends who are also on 3 sometimes. the numbers are 09050070911 09065173000 09012268912 09012260902 09054245544 09077861885 09061122914 09095342433 09095342491 09092055575 :jaw:Thanks x
  3. Hi, I work Nights and sleep during the day....all the calls were made in the Morning between 9am-12 noon. The phone stays in my coat pocket which is in my room whilst i am a sleep. There are other people in the house but everyone in my family are adamant they have not used the phone. How do i go about getting a SAR? do i request one from 3? Thanks for all your help
  4. Hi, I'm new to this site and need help regarding a recent mobile phone bill from Three(3). Apparently there has been premium rate phone calls made from my handset to the total of £85. I am 1000% sure that i did not make these phone calls ... there was a total of 11 calls made over a 5 day period all these calls were made in the AM. After contacting Three I was told they would investigate the matter. So I waited patiently for 48 hrs for their 'investigation' to conclude. I was then informed that the investigation was complete and that the outcome was that the calls were made from the handset....they had no information on the numbers dialed. Apparently each call has a unique ID, so i requested that they prove that these calls were made by giving me the unique ID, and they refused. My problem is that i have taken the liberty to Google a couple of these numbers and they appear to be telepest numbers I know i haven't made these calls but Three are adamant that they were made. What could/should i do which would help me resolve this issue:?:
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