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Keyser Soze

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Posts posted by Keyser Soze

  1. Response received dated 20th November 2006 stating that not only can they not provide a breakdown of their actual costs incurred due to the fact that it's "commercially sensitive" but they are also claiming that the OFT ruling does not apply to them as it was "related to charges applied to credit cards and not bank accounts".


    Despite this the kind souls have offered me the princely sum of £562 being six months worth of charges applied to my account as long as I accept it in full & final settlement.


    To be honest I can't even be bothered saying that I'll accept it only as partial payment, I'm just going to issue the Letter Before Action as I don't need the money at the moment and I want the interest on the charges back from them as well.


    I guess I'll be issuing another CCS in 14 days time!

  2. Well, Capital One have until tomorrow to give me a full refund otherwise it's a claim through MCOL.


    I'm a bit pee'd off as I was hoping that I wouldn't have to mess around with a claim but I won't let that put me off.


    I'm away on Friday so they have until Monday before I can issue (I won't be telling them that though!)


    Best of luck to everyone else claiming their money back.

  3. I arrived home last night to a letter from Cap One offering £374 in full & final settlement, however no cheque was enclosed just a form that I needed to sign accepting the offer which would be followed by a cheque.


    My LBA is due to be issued today so I'll just modify it slightly to say thanks but no thanks.

  4. Statements received by Special Delivery this morning.


    After combing through it all I'm really shocked to find that they have taken £954 in charges from me since I opened my account in 2001.


    If nothing else this is teaching me to be far more sensible with my finances and less passive when dealing with financial organisations.


    There is also a single £20 charge for a returned chequr fee that I haven't included in the above total.


    Does anyone know if returned cheque fees are claimable?


    I'm not too bothered about that solitary fee in all honesty as I reckon £954 is enough to be getting on with!

  5. As the 40 day period for my statements to be sent expired on Monday I called Capital One to ask why they hadn't been received.


    Unsurprisingly despite the fact I had received a letter from the Legal Department they claimed never to have received my request and said that they would "get them to me as soon as possible".


    I have given them until this Friday before I contact the Data Protection people to lodge a formal complaint.


    Also I requested either proof that I had requested Payment Protection Insurance or a full refund of the payments taken.


    They said that this information had been sent to me 2 weeks ago so they'll have to resend it to me.

  6. I received the following response from Capital One about the Payment Protection charge on my account.


    Messagespacer.gifspacer.gifFrom:Sent:Fri 11 Aug 06Subject:spacer.gifPayment Protection

    Thank you for contacting us about the payment protection insurance policy on your account.


    I've passed your message onto our relevant team and they'll reply to you by secure message within the next two weeks.


    I'm sorry that I can'tgive you an immediate answer.


    If you need any other help, you can call us on our freephone number, 0800 952 5150. We're here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


    Lee Powell

    Customer Relations Manager


    I hope they can't find any proof that I asked for this, if so they owe me approximately £125.

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