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Everything posted by mcubbin

  1. Absolute naive rubbish, there are many ebay sellers who have been totally conned, through Paypals rubbish dispute process , and you can infer what you like, I was not inviting comment on whether or not I had any right to challange Paypals conclusion, only pointing out a possible course of action for anyone in a similar position, who does not wish to roll over. Bully for you if you have had no problems, you had better hope your self satisfied righteous attitude does not comeback and bite you one day. Tell me what will you do when after legitimately selling something your money is refunded to the buyer and you are sent back a broken or even completely different item or perhaps nothing at all. You have no idea what you are talking about, try doing a google search on Paypal charge backs and disputes and you will see the scale of the problem.
  2. Only trying to help, and while I understand your concern over the credit rating, I will be asking Paypal, to include in their letter,a statement that they will make certain that any change in my credit rating is reversed. Whatever happens sorting my credit rating will be easy compared to the first bit. What would your advice be? Pay up and let them get away with again. larest email from Paypal, Dear xxxxxxxx, Thank you for your email dated xxxxxxxxx. Please find below our response to you which was sent via post on xxxxxxx. Please return the affidavit we sent to you with your signature so that we can resolve the issue for you. I have now requested that collections are ceased on the account so that you should not have any further contact from EOS Solutions in relation to this matter. our letter to you: Thank you for contacting us in relation to the Buyer complaint case (xxxxxxxxxxxxxx). Mr. xxxxxxx, following a review of this case, we determined that the buyer, Mr. xxxxx, was eligible for a refund as the item was returned to you. We understand from you that the item returned by Mr. xxxxx was not in its original condition. As a goodwill gesture, if you send back to us the Affidavit sent with this letter, filled by yourself and stating that you destroyed the item, we will credit your PayPal account with £xxxxxx1 GBP. We sincerely regret that you had this negative experience when using our services and that you chose to close your PayPal account. Yours sincerely, xxxxx Executive Escalations PayPal
  3. Maybe not exactly the same situation but I believe the following process may work in many cases. Hi, its taken a while but they have finally given up, and are calling of the dca received an email this morning saying as a goodwill gesture they are re crediting my account. It is without doubt through info I have got from this site and others like it that I have managed to chase them, I have often felt like giving up, it takes up so much time and effort. However I believe I know now how to go about it in a way that will minimise the stress. 1 When you sell a pricey item get the money out of papal quickly, you never know who is going to try and fleece you. 2 As soon as the dispute starts get your letters ready, because it is more than likely you will loose, do not waste your time with emails. 3 As soon as they find against you send a recorded delivery letter to their Compliance Officer,(SEE PREVIOUS POSTS FOR ADDRESS) complaining about the fairness of their dispute process, pr-empt them by stating that you have no interest in their user agreement, and that they are obliged to follow the laws of the uk no matter what their user agreement says. Also point out that as they are signed up to the Financial Ombudsman scheme they must offer you the opportunity to take that option, finish the letter by saying that if after their own investigation they still intend to pursue you, you would like a 'letter of stalemate' from them to enable you to take your complaint to the ombudsman. 4 They will reply eventually (executive escalations) stating that an investigation will take place which could take 8 weeks, they will probably get back to you in 4. 5 While this is happening you will probably be threatened by the paypal minions who seem unaware of the activities of executive escalations, they will probably set the debt collectors on you. 6 As soon as you are contacted by the debt collectors, do not give them any information, they will hang up, but continue calling you every day. Email the executive escalation officer (with this lot you will get a name and they do reply to emails) stating that you are concerned that Paypal have referred the case to a Dca, while a legitimate investigation is taking place and are they aware of the fact that the Financial Ombudman takes a very negative view of these sort of harassment tactics. 7 Its time to wait now, do not get flustered by the debt collectors, pick up the phone, allow them to introduce themselves and calmly state that you have no intention of confirming anything with them and that they should contact you in writing. 8 Unless we are talking about a large sum of money and a very strong case (on their part) i.e you really did sell someone a pile of rubbish, you will win. Because firstly they do not want the Financial Ombudsman involved (it will cost them over £300 as soon as that happens) and secondly if you show that you are not intimidated and are willing to face them in court, they will never allow it to get that far because they know they will loose. Hope this helps, all this info is out their and on here. I have just put it together in an order that worked for me, if anyone wants letter templates, addresses pm me.
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