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Julie Drinkwine

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Everything posted by Julie Drinkwine

  1. Rather off topic now, but I just want to let you know that NOTHING HAS HAPPENED to me or my friend. Thank you for your advice.
  2. Just popping in to update on my situation : a couple of phone messages on the machine, nothing more.......................... I'm still very grateful for the advice given here!
  3. Still very grateful to be in touch with people who know! Thank you!
  4. Just a week later, we've received another letter which finishes off with : "We are fully aware of anecdotal information being presented via the internet and on various websites and you may well feel this guidance is worth following. We strongly urge you to seek independent advice rather than rely on these opinions, and we would respectively suggest that you refer to the Civil Procedure Rules part 31, and more specifically parts 31.16 and 31.17" with a suggested link : www justice.gov.uk / civil / procrules _ fub / contents / parts / part31.htm (without all those spaces - the site thought I wanted to post a link) They say Graham White will review our case for potential legal action in ten days. Do you think they're changing tactics? I'll keep you all up to date as more happens!
  5. Oh ! Thank you for the warning. I am so grateful for your reassurance!
  6. Just to update you, we've received a letter from Roxburghe Debt collectors asking for £198.00. Interestingly, they write to you with your middle name first. I'm standing firm!!
  7. Good to hear that! I haven't had any more letters yet, I'll keep dropping in to let you know. Happy new year everyone!
  8. Very interesting reading! I got a ticket for being five minutes over my ticket time, and my friend got a ticket basically because although he put £4 in the machine, only £2 registered. I followed Martin's Money Saving Tips (or whatever he's called...) and wrote saying I wasn't going to pay because the fine was disproportionate. My friend did the same and sent them £2. They've sent it back, with a stern letter refusing his 'appeal' (their words, not ours). So I'm going to do exactly as you advise. I would have liked to have read a final result from dontwanttopaythefine. I'll stay around and keep you informed....... By the way, I have heard gossip that this company is in the high court for having dodgy meters, but I don't know that for sure. Oh, and hello everyone, it's nice to have found this site!
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